Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How To Avoid Medications With Many Side Effects By Being More Aware Of Their Causes

By Josephine Pennington

Depending on the bodies of different people, there can be unwanted side effects that result from medicine. All of the medicines are such as over the counter medications, herbal remedies, vitamins as well as natural medicines. Ensure that you always inform your doctor on all the medications you may take, as well as further information on how to avoid medications with many side effects. This includes over the counter drugs, prescriptions and other medicines.

In some cases one of the users may have taken too much of a drug. In other cases the negative effects may be due to one giving them the wrong self-diagnosis. In some cases it might have occurred as a result of receiving the wrong medication or the drugs taken by them. As more of the medicine is taken, patients hope that one day they will be in a position to note improvements in their situation. The situation can worsen further, especially if the patient persistently continues to take the medication in the hope that it will provide better results in the long run.

Several prescription medications can cause about negative effect. Examples are such as antibiotics like sulfonamide and other penicillin families. The reactions caused account for a considerable fraction of the population that cannot be overlooked. Another common reaction is rashes in the skin.

Whether a certain reaction is caused by an illness or the medicine, it is quite difficult to immediately tell. It is for this purpose that one is advised to consult their physician immediately they note any abnormalities in their wellbeing. What might also result into further complications is taking supplementary medications to add onto the one you may be currently on.

Almost everyone uses complementary medication, especially when dissatisfied with the progress of their current medication. Others take them to counter some accompanying symptoms. There are those who strongly believe that taking medications such as the herbal remedies are safer ways of treatment.

This might be due to the fact that they are in their natural form and have not been subjected to chemical processing from laboratory experiments. In reality it might be true however it is not always the case when it comes to the way your body reacts. Some of the herbs will act on your body powerfully in the same fashion as the conventional drugs do, resulting into negative effects.

Some of the side effect experienced are such as Echinacea. It involves more than twenty reported reactions. They include hives, asthma attacks, gastrointestinal upsets and aching muscles. There is also the feverfew. Women who are pregnant should avoid taking this herb as it has been reported to trigger contractions in the uterine walls.

There are also cases of skin flare ups by those who use over the counter creams or prescribed cortisone products. The products offer the patient a temporary reprieve from their itching rashes but at times can cause about serious cases of redness. With this prescription creams your skin can get worse on its usage or as soon as you halt.

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