Saturday, June 4, 2016

Seek FREE Homeopathic Consultation for 9 Days at drshreya com!

Hello All!

Here we at are celebrating Dr Hahnemann's Birth Day! We have been always indebted for the immense support of our colleagues, friends, and patients across the globe because of whom Dr Shreya's Homeopathy is a recognized brand today. If we want to recognize a person who made it possible, undoubtedly the first credit should go to the Founder of Homeopathy, Dr Samuel Hahnemann! He was the man of vision whose relentless efforts made homeopathy one of the widely used therapeutic systems today. He always regarded homeopathy as one of the safest, cheapest, and most scientific approach for any diseased person. His birthday is on 10th of April and to commemorate this great man, we at hereby announce 9 days of free consultation service for one and all!

From 07/04/2011 to 15/04/2011, each new patient at will enjoy absolutely free consultation and homeopathic prescription for any health problem. Patients can mail their health query at and expect quickest possible response from us. The patients who will seek "Only Prescription" and Consultation will not be charged at all during this period. The patients who will like to have medicines through courier will have to pay just the transaction charges and they also will not be charged any consultation and prescription fees for this period.

There will not be any hidden charges whatsoever!

Let's celebrate our Master's Birthday Exquisitely with Miraculous Homeopathy!!

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