Monday, June 13, 2016

How Magnetic Pulsers Work As Alternative Medicine

By Etta Bowen

The study of bioelectromagnetism teaches us that biological entities and electromagnetic fields work together as a life force. This is how defibrillators and electrocardiograms work, this is how geomagnetic fields affect migration and animal navigation, and more importantly, this is how we function. We are very much like our household electrical appliances than we ever thought.

Before anyone can become a complete living thing, he must first be composed of cells, the basic units of structure and function for all known living organisms. Another character of his life is that his body feeds not just on food, but on energy as well, supplied by either his environment or his inventions such as magnetic pulsers. In other words, we need forests, sunlight, geo movement, the Schumann field in our atmosphere, and the electromagnetic fields or EMFs of the earth in order to be alive and stay alive.

Life would not exist if not for electromagnetic fields. Unfortunately, due to environmental issues, it has drastically declined over the last five hundred years. Studies have also proven that four weeks of absence of the Schumann Waves found in the ionosphere can cause a significant decline in our health.

The good news is that technology brought us the PEMT device, a tool we can use to inject electrical pulses to our body. Developed in 1985 by Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, it was conceived when he found out that our bodies need Schumann wave signals in order to sustain great health. They needed to have balance, and he applied that solution to his device.

A small device operated with a nine volt battery, it delivers 7.5 Hz to 10 Hz of the important Schumann waves. It should be worn around the solar plexus. Designed to treat not just neurological disorders but also physiological disorders, its main edge is that it does not have the documented side effects drugs and medication have. It can also be adjusted to sixty or more various health conditions.

Pulsed electromagnetic therapy should not be mistaken for therapeutic magnets. PEMT makes use of Schumann waves to balance the electrical pulses in the body while the therapeutic magnets offer a static magnetic field. It has different waveforms and strengths for proper adjustment.

The device has a list of health issues alphabetically arranged. Choose your concern and place the device into its pouch. Wrap it around the afflicted location thrice a day, for as long as thirty to one hundred twenty minutes. The N side is a neutralizer for pain, inflammation, and any electro sensitive pathogen that is incubating or germinating, while the SOTA side serves as a stimulator.

Never abandon your medication for the device alone. Sure, pulsers are therapeutic, but they are not replacements for the drugs your doctor prescribed. Instead, the device helps in the healing, recovery, and rejuvenating process. While your medicine is off murdering bacteria or viruses, the Schumann waves help speed up cell metabolism and cell repair.

Consult your therapist if you have any doubts. Pregnant women or those with pacemakers should not use the device. For great results, use a six milli Gauss strength.

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