Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Looking At Spiritual Alchemy In History And In Practice

By Amanda Baird

In the past when most people called some one an alchemists they were referencing those people that who interested in trying to make gold from mercury and lead. To date none of these experiments have been successful. However, spiritual alchemy mostly concerns itself with the basic idea of manifesting those spiritual and physical changes in someone's life that they need at the time. For example, they command them through thought into being and command them to appear in their life.

Current science often sees this with disdain and mistrust. Scientists typically believe that when something can not some how be measured then it can not possibly be real. An simple exception to this though is the simple placebo effect. When people take something and get better because they really believe the fake medicine works. This is one example of the way anyone can practice this each day. It does however it go deeper than this.

Sometimes people have difficulties feeling thankful for the different things which have happened within their lives which molds them over time creating who they are. They can be bad, good or seemingly meaningless experiences. The idea is that they are alive and have lived. Everybody should try to take time to thank what ever higher power they observe for this divine gift.

Many people also have problems forgiving themselves. People always make mistakes, it is all the main part of growing up. Negative thoughts and concepts are passed to God similar to positive ones. It is only by living and making these mistakes that men and women can keep learning and growing to better beings.

Generally subconscious thoughts that are in place since infancy act negatively on people over time. The easiest way to get over these feelings is to understand them for what they really are, self made limits. They are limits everyone has made in one way or another. Thinking positively and reinforcing constructive traits in yourself assist in overcoming them.

Sadly fear is among the things most people have more than they have to have. It is an uncomplicated trait that connects everybody together. Faith is the single best cure for this fear. Believing in themselves, friends, the world or even God. Having the faith and understanding to know that your thoughts can manifest is often hard but a core a part of the spiritual alchemist's energy.

Learning what makes you happy vs what you think makes you happy is another basic keystones of the spiritual alchemist finding success. Learning to see these things entirely within your mind and then manifesting it inside your life is often difficult. This process is always different for everyone. Basically see them as part of your life and make them real.

One of the simplest ways to activity practice spiritual alchemy is making a simple flowchart. Plan out the steps for the things you want in your life. As each thing becomes real move to the next. Keep in mind this is a slow process. Do not rush it and always remain happy for all the good things you already have in your life.

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