Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How To Choose The Best Body Cleanse

When looking for the best body cleanse, one must consider many facts. This is because conducting such a plan in a safe and careful manner is essential. Detoxification programs are often used for weight reduction or to eliminate toxins from a person's body. Detox is the shortened form of the word, and essentially means the elimination of chemicals and other harmful compounds from a person's liver, intestines, bloodstream and kidneys. This is accomplished by the person adhering to a stringent diet plan.

There are numerous cleansing diet options, ranging from those that are quite restrictive, to those which offer the dieter a little more freedom with regard to his or her food choices. The following are some examples of popular detox programs. However, it is always wise to check with a doctor prior to beginning any new diet.

The most basic of all detoxification plans involve a three day fast, which starts off the diet. Throughout these initial 3 days no food is eaten, and the dieter consumes only water, and no diluted drinks such as tea or coffee. At the end of the fast, one must follow a monotrophic diet for an additional ten days. A monotrophic diet plan involves eating only one type of food at each meal, which is generally fruit of some kind.

A person may also decide to go on a 10-day detoxification program. Such plans are usually focused on eliminating toxins from the colon. Processed and fried foods, as well as alcohol, caffeine, salt, sugar, oil and fats are strictly forbidden. The program lasts for ten days and a very restricted diet is followed during this time. The menu consists of filtered water, vegetables, fruits, organic maple syrup, sea salt, cayenne pepper, and organic lemons.

Many detox program enthusiasts favor raw food diets. Unlike numerous weight reduction or detoxification plans that produce fast results, a raw food detox diet is a slower process. However, it frequently leads to lifestyle changes that are both healthy and permanent.

Raw foods are natural foods that contain no chemicals or preservatives, therefore processed foods and junk foods are prohibited on this plan. The program is said to eliminate up to 90% of the toxins in a person's body in approximately one month.

Numerous nutrition experts are of the opinion that constant exposure to chemicals and preservatives in food and pollutants in the air are the cause of many conditions such as excess weight, skin problems, headaches and fatigue. Those who follow detoxification diets believed that the eradication of such toxins will rebalance one's system to a natural, healthy condition. In addition, it is commonly thought that such diets speed the metabolism and curb the appetite.

As is the case with most health plans, the popularity of inner body cleansing has surged and diminished over the years. However, most nutritionists agree that there are benefits associated with such programs if they are followed responsibly. If one is unsure of which is the best body cleanse, he or she should seek the advice of a physician.

About the Author:
By Jennie Sandoval

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