Friday, June 10, 2016

Therapies On Spider Vein Removal In The City Austin TX

By April Briggs

Varicose veins are usually caused by blood flowing abnormally leading to weakness of walls of blood vessels. Any activity or condition causing pressure to the veins is a contributing factor to their occurrence. Other causative factors are pregnancy, heredity, weight gain, hormone changes and also standing or sitting for extended periods of time not to forget traumatic events. The following are the common methods of spider vein removal Austin, TX.

Their occurrence chances increase with age. It can also be genetic and run through families. Varicose vein occurrence before and after a pregnancy is a common event that is linked to increased level of female sex hormone known as estrogen.

Estrogen weakens the walls of the vessels this weakening results in the development of web veins. Enlarged uterus and also the growing baby inside exert pressure during pregnancy resulting in development of these veins. It usually is not a permanent condition. After delivery, the condition improves.

Like many medical conditions this one also does require treatment for remittance. Identifying and treating the contributing cause of this condition is the first step in handling it before even you think of cosmetic spec of the varicose veins. The available treatment options in the city Austin, TX are use of injections and use of light in the treatment therapies.

When using beams of light rays to treat the enlarged veins, the light is focused for some period on the veins. It heats them up and eventually destroys them. It is the best method when it comes to treatment of varicose veins on face but it can also apply to other body parts. It gets rarely used on legs. A few treatment will completely remove them.

Light intensely pulsed is much like laser method of treatment but its focusing is not precise. Concentrated light pulses are used damaging and destroying selectively the abnormal veins . This will include small vasculature birthmarks and small varicose veins. This procedure is the best suited when it comes to vasculature lesions slightly deeper inside the skin. Also it is the alternative in cases where laser or sclerotherapy fails to effectively treat the condition occurring in superficial veins in Austin, TX.

Sclerotherapy is the popular method of treating abnormal veins. A chemical solution or saline is injected into the veins using fine gauged needle which causes to shrink and eventually disappear. As with the other kinds of treatment procedures for this condition, several sessions are required for it to be effective. Around ten percent of clients treated with this procedure are non-responders and therefore laser treatment is the best alternative for them.

The results are not immediate and it will be several weeks before you start noticing some changes. Repeat sessions are recommended because not every one abnormal veins will disappear after the initial therapy. Compression stockings may be prescribed for the patient for some weeks following the therapy. Also elevation of the legs for an extended period or walking and running session are recommended too.

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