Sunday, April 30, 2017

Guidelines For Choosing The Best TDCS Device Suitable For Your Needs

By Zelma Hurley

The brain is the most important part of the body system. All the body functions are controlled in the brain including the most sensitive parts. Any effect on the brain will have an impact on the general body. Enhancing the capacity of the brain to carry out its functions improves the state of the body. Therefore, it is key to know the tips for choosing the best tDCS device suitable for you.

This gadget is not only recommended for people who have a problem with memories lapse only but those who are normal can also use it. This is because at one point in time, you will realize that sometimes you may forget things. When the mind is tired then you can forget easily. Therefore, in such a situation this device can be of great assistance to anyone.

Picking the right gadget is the main challenge for the consumers. The process is more difficult especially if it is your first time. This is because you lack the technicalities behind this gadgets and that is a great disadvantage. Without any information, you might purchase the wrong one. Therefore, take time and do a research on these devices first before embarking on the search.

If the gadget does not solve your problem, you might be frustrated with the searching procedure. However, to make the right selection you must take the right steps. The procedures should specifically address your needs and they should guide you to a device that will solve the problem. The best strategy is making the process to be solution based.

Do not be fooled by the marketing strategies of the sellers when buying the gadget. This is because most of it is just a bait to capture many customers. If you are not careful, you might acquire a product that does not perform well. Therefore, instead of focusing on the good things the sellers say about their product, look for the opinions of the people interested and using these gadgets.

The money you can raise for this product also determines the device that you will choose. This is because the gadgets come in different prices depending on their quality. However, in order to receive the best quality service from this device, select the best quality device. Good quality devices are usually expensive but if you can afford it then go for it. If it is too expensive, you can buy the cheaper option.

The process of looking for an effective device relies on the information you retrieve about them. Therefore, the faster you acquire the information, the faster the search will be. You should consider using the reputation of these gadgets in the search process. This is because its information is easy to access since the majority of the public have it and they freely share it.

It is a big advantage to source the guidance of an expert. The information you receive from an expert is the best because he/she understands the devices well including their features. Therefore, they can offer expert advice that is never mistaken. However, the main challenge can be locating them but the internet is probably the best tool when searching for the experts.

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Saturday, April 29, 2017

What is yellow spots on the eye

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Effective Walnut Creek Back Pain Relief Done Naturally Through Chiropractic

By Amie Murrieta

You may be having back problems because of illness, hard work or bad sitting posture among other reasons. Besides using drugs to relieve the pain, you may seek assistance from a chiropractor. If you live in Walnut Creek and its environs, you can have a Walnut Creek chiropractor help relieve the pain.

It is a general belief among the chiropractors that proper alignment of the spine plays a huge role to the overall well-being of your body and mind. This belief is infused into therapy and management of pain.

The main mode of therapy includes manipulation of the spine and its alignment to activate ability of your body to heal itself. If the spine is not well aligned, there is always pressure on the central nervous system that often leads to the lower part of your back and frontal part of your head.

You will first undergo various tests when you visit a chiropractor clinic. You will be expected to explain what you are feeling. You may also undergo an x-ray for further probe.

Once the doctor is satisfied with the tests, He or she will come up with a therapy plan. The plan usually involves several visits to the clinic until you achieve a pain-free back.

Pressure is applied in some parts of the body by some instrument or by the use of hands. The manipulation puts the spinal vertebrae in the right position to rid the body any pain.

Other actions are taken besides the pressure therapy. These include a change of diet, nutritional supplements, electrical stimulation, hot and cold packs among other solutions.

It takes a chiropractor over four years in school. This is where both the theory and practical studies take place. On completing the course, he is taken to clinics as an attache. He or she must almost have a valid operating license before operating a clinic. Thus, it is safe to procure his or her services.

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An Overview Of Natural Head Lice Treatment

By Miranda Sweeney

When people have found that someone in the family is suffering from head lice, they will need to take action as soon as possible. Instead of looking to harsh chemicals, however, men and women will likely be much happier using organic techniques. With some reputable natural head lice treatment, the critters can be eliminated sooner rather than later.

Parents should first determine how bad the infestation is. If there are just a few lice visible on the scalp, then they can usually be wiped out in a period of days. Sever infestations can present hundreds of lice at once, will generally require more immediate action. Individuals should not stop the prescribed treatment until each louse has been eradicated.

A comb will come in handy when people are trying to combat the critters. As long as the comb has some small teeth, it can be used to pick out the adults and the eggs. As long a the comb is thoroughly washed with soap and warm water after each time it is used, it should work. The eggs can be washed down the drain and sent to their demise.

Olive oil is an ingredient that most people will have in the pantry at home. By using a few dollops of the oil and spreading it deeply into the hair, the eggs can be made infertile. Because only a small amount of olive oil will be needed, people should measure it carefully before they use it. After the treatment, the hair can be washed out with a good shampoo.

Mouthwash is similarly effective on most people. The product is alcohol based and is thus pretty pungent. Many individuals mix it with vinegar to create an acidic cocktail that will be highly effective against each and every louse. A little bit of mouthwash will go a long ways, and parents will not need to use much when adding it to their kids' heads.

If parents have noticed that their kids have picked up the condition, they should monitor the progress of the disease as the days go by. If it looks like the critters are still present in force, then a different method will have to be tried. Not all methods will work equally well, and the adults of the household will have to continue to try various techniques until a good one is found.

Lice can often cause severe itching in the hair and scalp. Children should be told that they should avoid scratching the head as much as possible. With luck, they can make it through the condition without causing any bleeding. If people do feel the urge to scratch, they should do it lightly while wearing a pair of sturdy rubber gloves.

In the end, treating a parasitic condition can at first seem scary. As long as parents ensure that the children are making progress, however, the critters and be eliminated rather quickly. The kids can return to their school within a few weeks and will not cause anyone else in the classroom to be affected.

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What are floaters in your eyes from

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Dont Let Life Pass You By Get Herniated Disc Pain Relief Conroe Residents

By Elizabeth West

Perhaps it begins with a subtle injury and then blossoms into full lower back discomfort. The kind of pain that keeps you from being as mobile as you would like. If you suffer from any type of back discomfort you don't have to let life pass you by. Get herniated disc pain relief Conroe TX residents.

This help comes through an alternative healthcare provider or chiropractor. A chiropractor can provide relief from the discomfort that you have been feeling. They can provide a solution to your problem without you having to resort to dangerous medications or expensive surgery.

Chiropractors can often alleviate discomfort through methods they have learned that are proven effective. This type of care is one way to help get you back into the action so you can begin to enjoy life more with the people you love. You can do this without dangerous medications or expensive surgeries.

Your first time at the chiropractor may feel a little awkward if you are unfamiliar with what they do. They will assess your condition through a questionnaire and take some x-rays to see the condition of your spine. They may notice some vertebrae that are misaligned and will tell you and how they intend to correct the issue. They will walk you through the entire process from start to finish and make you feel right at home.

They use special techniques that realign your spine so that you can begin to feel at your best once again. These adjustments take time to correct the root cause of the problem and may take more than one session to get you back to wellness. They use a gentle pressure on your back that corrects any vertebrae that are out of place. You lie face down on a special table during the adjustments. It is not a long process and you can be on your way in no time.

There is no discomfort with the adjustments and they are quick and easy. With only a few adjustments you may notice a difference, but it will take some time before the pain is completely gone. It may take more than one or two sessions before you get any relief. Many times chiropractors treat the whole person and want to ensure your health and well being.

When you are having trouble walking or bending or doing other daily tasks and you have back discomfort, you may want to seek the help of a chiropractor. Normal everyday activities should not involve doing them in discomfort. There are local chiropractic offices near you that can help.

The answers you may have been looking for are right in your town. Sometimes you must use alternative therapies to find the relief you need. Chiropractors are that alternative. Visit a local office near you and consult with one today. It may be the best decision you make for your health and well being. Life should be about living not dealing with pain.

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Friday, April 28, 2017

What Every Man Should Know About Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

By Olive Pate

Cancer is a disease caused by abnormal cell growth. Sometimes cancerous cells form in tissues making up the prostate, which is a male reproductive gland located in the lower abdominal area. Statistics show that 20 percent of adult males in the United States will develop this disease but it is usually not life threatening, especially with early diagnosis and treatment. Men diagnosed with this condition need to find out more about effective prostate cancer treatment options.

Many factors will determine how the physician chooses to treat a patient with this disease. The patient's overall health, as well as age, may affect the healthcare professional's decision. The physician factors in whether the diagnosis is new or the disease is recurring. The physician will inform the patient about all the possible and expected side effects of each treatment.

Men who are not having symptoms but show signs of prostate cancer in a screening test will not receive treatment right away. Physicians will wait to see if symptoms ever manifest before exploring treatments. The patient will have regular screening and tests, so the physician can catch any signs that the disease may be spreading or getting worse.

Hormone therapy can be effective for limiting the levels of male hormones that can promote cancer cell growth. Physicians can prescribe various drugs to block the production of testosterone in the testicles or to inhibit the action of androgens. Some men will have one or both testicles removed to eliminate the largest source of testosterone.

Surgery is an option if the disease is confined to the prostate gland and the man is in good health otherwise. The surgeon may remove the entire gland or targeted tissues. In some cases, the surgery includes removal of the lymph nodes.

Many types of cancers, including this one, respond well to radiation. Physicians have sophisticated new ways to target radiation therapy directly to the diseased cells. These procedures can often save surrounding healthy tissue from exposure to radioactive materials. Radium-223 injections are used to kill cells that have migrated to bone tissue. Physicians may inject radioactive seeds directly into the prostate gland or use an external radiation machine to target the area.

Chemotherapy attacks growth with drugs taken orally or injected into muscles or veins. Sometimes the physician injects the drugs into the cerebrospinal fluid or delivers it directly to the affected organ. The method of delivery and drugs used depend on the stage and type of cancer the physician is treating.

Patients and their doctors should discuss the various options, possible side effects, and lifestyle to decide on the best therapy. Some patients may be eligible to participate in clinical trials for newly developed therapies. High intensity ultrasound, cryotherapy, and proton beam radiation therapy are three methods of treatment under study by medical researchers. Patients may not be good candidates for trials but their physicians should be able to tell them about any studies they can apply for based on their diagnosis.

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Discover The Use Of Soy Products For Menopause Relief

By Kendra L. Linhardt

Menopause is experienced by all women. It occurs in women who are 40 to 60 years old, after their ovaries stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which regulate the menstrual cycle in females. When the ovaries no longer produce estrogen and progesterone, this cycle ends.

The majority of women experience unpleasant side effects including vaginal atrophy and hot flashes when the production of hormones reduces. Thankfully, simple dietary changes can reduce a number of menopausal symptoms. One of these changes is to take more soy products. It is possible to utilize soy nuts for hot flashes.

Soybeans are rich in protein and they also contain fiber and Isoflavones. Isoflavones are a type of phytoestogen. Some plants contain these chemicals, which work as estrogen in the body. Phytoestrogens are beneficial for health. The latest evidence comes from a review of 19 case studies involving more than 1,200 women.

Soy Products For Menopause

Researchers were first interested in studying the effects of soy on menopause symptoms after they discovered that Japanese women experienced hot flashes less often. They attributed this to the consumption of many soy foods throughout the lifespan of these women. You can also benefit from soy even if you have never used it in your life. Phytoestrogens can relieve hot flashes effectively, but they may fail to eliminate this menopausal symptom totally if it is severe. For this treatment to take effect, it should be given sufficient time. Generally, the results can be noticed after four to twelve days.

Some experts state that the majority of women use natural remedies in order to cope with symptoms such as night sweating, mood swings and hot flashes. The reason for this is that they fear side effects experienced when using hormone replacement therapy. According to various studies, women who consume large amount of soybeans that have phytoestrogens are less likely to experience menopausal complications.

Some soy products that menopausal women can eat or drink are miso, soy ice cream, soy hot dogs, soy nuts, edamame, tofu and soy milk as well as other foods containing soy or soy protein. There are no known risks of consuming foods containing soy every day, even though some people may experience stomach upset. Researchers have not studied the effects of using soy foods for many years. For the best outcome, women should seek to consume just an average amount of soy.

The effects of Isoflavones last for a short time. If you want to use soy foods and supplements for your health, your daily consumption of isoflavones should be between 40 and 80 milligrams. Note that soy protein is not soy isoflavone. Therefore, consuming high protein soy foods does not mean that you will consume a large amount of Isoflavones.

Apart from taking soy products for hot flashes, you can utilize them for caring for the skin. Soy is beneficial for skin in a number of ways. If you use soy products for skin care, you can tighten sagging skin, reduce wrinkles and reverse sun damage. Soy is a good moisturizer and for this reason, skin care products that contain soy make the skin tone even and have a softening or smoothing effect on the skin.

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Stem Cells in Ophthalmology An Update AstraZeneca Joins the Fray

As reported by The Guardian (UK), AstraZeneca and University College London (UCL) have announced a research partnership, to develop medicines that use stem cells to repair damaged eyesight in people with diabetes.

Under the three-year partnership, funded by the drugmaker, researchers from AstraZeneca will team up with scientists at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology to work on new medicines that use the regenerative capacity of stem cells. They hope to come up with a compound in three to five years, which could then undergo clinical development and possibly be on the market in 10 years' time.

Dr Marcus Fruttiger of the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, who is leading the project, said: "These tools could be used either to manufacture transplantable material or to directly stimulate new cell growth in the eye to help restore or improve the vision of those with diabetic retinopathy (DR)."

AstraZeneca's U.S. rival Pfizer also has a partnership with Professor Pete Coffey of the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, aimed at another eye condition, macular degeneration. Coffey said: "It's great that 'Big Pharma' is considering regenerative medicines as a serious possibility." He added: "This is British science being developed into a commercial entity with the pharmaceutical industry. It's a good example why the government shouldn't cut funding for biomedical research."

While this is the first time that AstraZeneca has worked on medicine for retinopathy, diabetes has been an area of focus. The company has a new diabetes treatment on the market called Onglyza, which was developed with Bristol-Myers Squibb, and the companies are developing a second diabetes drug that could be submitted to regulators for approval later this year.

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is now the most common cause of vision impairment or blindness among western people of working age.

* The majority of patients with type-1 diabetes, which occurs when the body produces no insulin and often develops during the teenage years, will suffer eyesight problems and about 20%-30% will become blind;

* Moreover, at least 50% of patients with type-2 diabetes - the far more common type of diabetes, which occurs when the body produces too little insulin or when cells in the body do not react properly to insulin - will also develop retinopathy over time;

* With the rapid spread of type-2 diabetes, which is linked to obesity, the need for a retinopathy treatment will grow as more than 438 M people are expected to suffer from diabetes by 2030;

* A study published this year by Oxford University predicted that eight out of 10 men and almost 7 to 10 women will be overweight or obese by 2020;

* It forecast a 98% rise in obesity-related diabetes by 2050.

About AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca is a global, innovation-driven biopharmaceutical business with a primary focus on the discovery, development and commercialisation of prescription medicines. As a leader in gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neuroscience, respiratory and inflammation, oncology and infectious disease medicines, AstraZeneca generated global revenues of US $32.8 billion in 2009. For more information please visit:

To read about the other companies involved in developing stem cells for use in ophthalmology, along with an extensive description of what stem cells are all about, and where they are being used in ophthalmology, please see: A Primer on the Use of Stem Cells in Ophthalmology.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Getting Critical Advanced Massage Techniques

By Karina Frost

Given that massage is recognized as a stress reliever exercise, different people tend to have varied needs and priorities when it comes to inquiring for this service. In addition to this, advanced massage techniques are seen as better ways of enhancing this as one gets to masters ways of restoring body energies by revitalizing and soothing of ones body.

In this career, one ought to maintain professionalism at all times as clients may at times get sexually excited during the session in which case one ought to make sure they do not take advantage of them or vice versa. As tempting as it might be, this is the reputation that one ought to build as people need to feel confident when they trust you with their bodies.

Among the most effective techniques of all times is one that entails aligning of tiny smoothened hard rocks that have been heated along the spinal lining. This is meant to work out the spine by revitalizing this area which has previously helped people with spine problems. Other techniques involve long stroking of the neck area to the waist line, deep kneading and other ways of inducing pressure to form pressure that gets rid of muscle fatigue and probable joint problems.

Moreover, it is critical for one to have excellent communication skills when entering in this line of work; this is because, most clients tend to open up a lot during these sessions which is a sign of a satisfying services and therefore one ought to be able to keep the conversation going and making them more comfortable while doing so. In this regard, loyalty is critical and one must never reveal the secrets of their clients.

With the skin being the largest organ in the human body, learning some soothing techniques is the best way to enhance body revitalization and restoration. Most problems are usually on the muscles, tendons, nerves, ligaments and fascia which explains why people experience unprecedented shoulder pains, headaches, back pains and more so pain on the elbows and knees.

Some of the basic lessons one learns is locating the sensitive spots and ways to triggers stimulations that are handy in bringing relieve to fatigued muscles and tension build ups. There usually are different ways of how one massages the skin which is either smooth or rough and a little bit aggressive; moreover, one ought to know when to apply each for better result without hurting the client.

In every parlor, different masseurs usually have a distinctive setting which is also complemented by the oils and appliances they use. As much as they are all lubricants and are meant to smoothen the skin for more pleasurable experiences, their distinctive flavors are meant to create a serene environment that describe the theme of these parlors which is also passed to clients.

Learning the advanced techniques of this practice is indispensable in this line of work as one ensures that their clients are fully satisfied with the service, whereby is more than just relaxing their bodies but more of a therapeutic session where their bodies are restored to the natural alignment or in other words healing internal injuries that brings unexplainable pains.

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Featured Sequence Gentle All Around Practice

by Nina

This short sequence is designed for anyone who wants to get started with a short, gentle home yoga practice. This sequence is a great complement to our Low Back Care Practice and Mini Restorative Practice because it focuses on upper body flexibility, strength and balance, which are not addressed by the other sequences.

Although I originally designed this practice, Baxter reviewed it and made a modification—so it is officially Dr. Baxter Bell approved. We both hope you enjoy the practice!

1. Standing Shoulder openers (see Opening Tight Shoulders).
Releasing tight shoulders is important for the upper back and neck health, and is an important antidote for time spent in front of computers, driving, gardening, or other activities where you are reaching forward all day. If you have limited range of motion in one shoulder, just do the best you can, even if that means, for instance, taking your hand only half way up the wall rather than all the way. To make the sequence shorter, you could skip some of stretches (and alternate on different days of practice).

2. Half Dog pose at the Wall (see Half Dog Pose at the Wall). 
This pose is a wonderful all-over stretch because as it opens your shoulders it also stretches the sides of your torso, and, if you straighten your knees, it stretches the backs of your legs as well. It’s a perfect warm-up for standing poses!

3. Warrior 2 and Warrior 1 Mini Vinyasas (see Warrior 1 and Warrior 2 Mini Vinyasas).
Warrior 1 and Warrior 2 are classic standing poses that improve your balance (due to their wide leg stance), build leg strength (due to the bent front knee) and increase upper body strength (due to holding arms out to the side or over head). Practicing these as mini vinyasas (moving in and out of the poses with your breath), will improve balance and agility, and are a gentle versions of these poses. (Though this is not as strengthening as holding the poses for extended periods.)

For the Warrior 1 vinyasa, if you can’t hold your arms overhead, you can keep them in Namaste (prayer position) in front of your chest or place your hands on your hips.

4. Tree pose. 

Depending on your self confidence and your ability to balance, you can do this pose in any number of ways. If doing the pose in the middle of the room causes stress, stand in Tadasana (Mountain pose) with your left side near the wall. Shift your weight to the your left leg—if needed use your left fingertips on the wall to balance—and lift your right foot into any of the following positions:
  • toes of the right foot on the floor, rest of the foot off the floor
  • right foot on top of your left foot— but try not to have your right toes touch the floor
  • sole of the right foot pressing against your left calf
  • sole of your right foot pressing against your left thigh (above the knee)
5. Chair Twist (see Simple Chair Twist).
This pose releases back muscles that are stiff or sore from sitting at a desk or from traveling, or from everyday activities that stress the back, such as gardening and painting, and increases the rotational mobility in your spine. Twisting also helps nourish the spine—movement of the spine helps maintain the health of the discs—and also strengthens the bones themselves as your back muscles pull on the bony insertions of the spine. And it also strengthens the oblique muscles of your core. If you have a history of low back problems, please do this pose with a block between your thighs and twist only from the navel on up.

6. Easy Inverted Pose (see Easy Inverted Pose).
Resting your calves on a chair with a support under your pelvis puts your body into a slightly inverted position, so the blood flows from your legs down toward your heart making this pose a very calming inversion, which is also very restful for your leg muscles. If the support under your pelvis irritates your lower back, you can simply do the same pose without it.

NOTE: If you're reading this on the day it was posted, keep your eye out for a second post that recommends a weekly routine (including this sequence) that would be beneficial for anyone with back problems or who just wants to start practicing yoga at home.

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Understanding The Functions Of Military Antenna Mast

By Tammie Caldwell

There are different modes of communication but for the military, theirs is even more modified, emphasized, and developed. If anything goes wrong with the communication systems, they are all risking their lives too much. They need backup in worse case scenarios but if they are not able to communicate exactly where they are and where the enemies are, this will indicate failure in operations, which will cause numerous deaths.

Radio communications is one of the most reliable and convenient ways to connect with men on the base or on battlefields. In designing a military Antenna Mast, it is essential to consider the materials, size, and bandwidth. Moreover, the costs need to be taken into account. One of the most preferred radio communication system is called RF antenna. This does not have a very appealing design but it is the most reliable in communicating through wireless means.

But there is a never ending issue regarding the size of these masts. Designers and manufacturers find it really difficult to shrink the properties of these devices because of the fact that higher frequencies have bigger and longer radio waves. Hence, the bigger the antenna is, the more efficient it will be in capturing signals under low frequency environments.

However, experts have outlined their concerns regarding the mast sizes. They have indicated that the bigger and taller the device is, the higher is its tendency to capture frequencies no matter how low the signals are. Such equipment are even a few inches to a few feet taller than the actual size of an adult man.

While users prefer the least heavy and the smallest sizes, designers are still incapable of giving them that. According to experts, the usual physics of creating such innovations has always been higher, heavier, bigger, which yield better receptions. Otherwise, there will be low frequencies which is impossible to communicate effectively between men at the base and men on the field.

A given option is to use the cell phone in military operations instead of radio. Signal wires are already mounted in the cell phone so it should be a lot lighter to bring. However, the concern of the experts is that these devices are more susceptible to frequency interferences.

There is a need to modify first the structure of the cell phones to make its signals reach extensive distances. Phones normally need ground based signals to function more effectively. Most war zones have very limited or no access at all because of very few or even absence of infrastructures for phone networks.

With these information made known, it can be concluded safely that the RF communication systems could be the only mode of communication in the field. But studies are still ongoing on how to grant the requests of users about a less heavier and more handy antennas. This is the work of an applications engineer and a designer to make sure that the devices are then tested properly.

Satellite communications are also very useful especially in disseminating information about the exact positions of the enemy in the battlefield. This is also very important for emergencies like calling medics for help. Thus, such systems are still being improved for these great heroes.

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Unique Glaucoma Eye Test Through Eyelid Launched at Arab Health Exhibition and Congress

February 05, 2013

BiCOM Inc., featured its latest through the eyelid glaucoma testing DIATON tonometer technology at Arab Health 2013 in Dubai. Handheld, pen-like tonometer allows to measure intraocular pressure IOP without contact with eye ball, eliminating virus and infection and is independent of biomechanical properties of the cornea or contact lenses. 

Quick and painless glaucoma diagnostic DIATON tonometer received a lot of attention from 85,000 visitors to the 38th Arab Health Exhibition and Congress consisting from healthcare professionals, medical facility owners and managers as well as distributors from
Middle East

Attendees representing Jordan, Oman, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, Bahrain, and Qatar were very intrigued by the latest DIATON tonometry technology and many were screened for elevated eye pressure in seconds right at the exhibit.

Since DIATON is non-contact and handheld pen-like tonometer, it can be used in any setting - rural areas that desperately need glaucoma screening or Inpatient & Outpatient Clinics such as Hospitals, Emergency Rooms, Nursing & Elderly Homes, General, Family & Specialty Practitioners office as well as Ophthalmic and Optometric practice.


Major Benefits of Diaton Tonometer: 

* No contact with the cornea (only upper eyelid)
* No anesthesia drops
* No risk of infecting or scratching cornea
* No consumables (no need to purchase replacement tips/covers..etc.,)
* No sterilization
* No pachymetry needed (no need to purchase pachymeter)
* No daily calibration needed
* Handheld / Portable + Easy to use

DIATON Tonometer provides reliable measurements and makes it possible to diagnose glaucoma in its early stages, allowing to devise an appropriate care and treatment plan. DIATON is effective in obtaining IOP measurements for many challenging patient populations, including: those with chronic conjunctivitis, erosions, edema and corneal dimness; people who have undergone corneal surgeries; and immobilized patients and children. Also, patients do not need to remove their contact lenses.

Roman Iospa, CEO of BiCOM Inc., said, - "We're excited to see so much interest from Arab Health show and are proud to offer our latest DIATON glaucoma testing technology to the growing healthcare market in the Middle East."
The UAE healthcare sector is lucrative for global companies given the government's investment in medical infrastructure in recent years. The mandatory coverage policy for Abu Dhabi residents and several public-private healthcare projects in the UAE have driven the Emirates' annual per-capita healthcare spending to about $1,500 - the second-highest in the Arabian Gulf, according to a Deloitte report in June. The figure is expected to grow at a rate of 5 per cent until 2014, it said.

BiCOM Inc., is currently accepting and reviewing partnership inquiries from medical distributors from Middle East and plans to launch DIATON tonometer in many markets in the upcoming year.
More information on DIATON tonometers, including clinical trials data and demo video can be found at or by calling BiCOM Inc., at the Toll Free number 1-877-DIATONS (877.342.8667). Diaton tonometer has competitive price and is delivered complete with training Video/DVD describing full procedure step-by-step, battery, calibration plate, carry case in addition to the Test/Training Eye™ which is included with each N477 unit.

About BiCOM Inc:

BiCOM is committed to the global fight against blindness caused by glaucoma. A unique team of engineers, medical, legal and business experts makes BiCOM Inc. uniquely placed to provide DIATON diagnostic tonometer, which measures intraocular pressure (IOP) through the eyelid and sclera, making it possible to diagnose glaucoma on the early stage and appoint necessary treatment and medicines and provide a much more favorable outcome for the patient. More about DIATON Tonometer Glaucoma Eye Test at

conference delegates, it is attended by more than 80,000 healthcare professionals as they aim to tackle the growing diverse health issues across the Middle East ranging from the increasing demand for healthcare services, growing healthcare costs and the increase of lifestyle diseases in the region.

Floaters in eyes natural treatment

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Making A Massage Therapist Portsmouth NH Decision

By Leslie Griffith

Consumers quickly discover that keeping up with their daily lives in a productive manner can be quite challenging to weigh in on various levels. Many consumers discover that their increased pressures and stresses are much more challenging to balance on a daily basis which is typically what creates the feeling of anxiety and overall unhealthiness. When making a massage therapist Portsmouth NH selection consumers are offered the chance to make sure their recuperation needs are successfully managed.

A massage therapist offers the soothing rubbing of the muscles and tendons in the body to increase circulation and release tension. Consumers are usually interested in this professional guidance when attempting to make sure their recuperation needs are maintained by a professional and to appreciate the physical and mental benefits of massage. Choices made from available professionals are performed with a great deal of caution.

People of Portsmouth NH that are focused on this particular option have a vast assortment of professionals to consider. Attempting to make a choice from such a competitive base of options is much more challenging to complete than many people realize. The right choice is usually quite easy to make when several factors are carefully focused on.

Consumer reviews are some of the most helpful forms of insight that people could focus on when making this decision. Consumer reviews are filled with details offered from former clients that are able to create details about all that is offered and why the provider should generate interest from others. The highest rated professionals are generally the ones that consumers focus on initially during their hiring decision making efforts.

Consumers area also urged to make sure they fully understand what kinds of therapies are actually made available to them. The entire industry of massage is littered with techniques and variations that are all incredibly varied in what they offer and how effective they are in actually allowing consumers the opportunity to fully relax. Researching all options and choosing the professional that offers the most appropriate solutions is helpful in making sure their most effective recuperation is considered.

Gender considerations are also a major focus that consumers have when making their choice. Many people feel much more comfortable with being able to receive a session from a person that is of a specific gender due to the intimate nature of completion. Most listings are clearly delineated with this information which can be useful in making a more consolidated choice.

The convenience offered from the professional should also receive attention when making this selection. Attempting to commute long distances and rearrange basic life activities in order to receive a session is usually counter-productive to any recuperation efforts one is actually interested in. Mobile sessions and flexible time frames are helpful focus in on when making the right choice.

When making a massage therapist Portsmouth NH selection consumers are additionally focused on pricing. Professionals usually charge their clients based on the duration of the session and category of therapy they are interested in receiving. Concentrating on the lowest prices that are charged for longest sessions is generally what creates the best deal.

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Heal Yourself With The Great Holy Fire Reiki Classes Portland Oregon Provides

By Zora P. Hays

More and more people are learning how important it is to keep their energy flowing. The Holy Fire Reiki classes Portland Oregon has on offer are an excellent way of learning to use your energy from a true professional in the field. Here you will discover how simple movements and visualizations can make a huge difference to your health and wellbeing.

These amazing exercise work much like meditation to quiet your mind, but also have the added bonus of a physical component. Meditation is passive, but this is energy therapy is very active and really gets your energy flowing. Just a few minutes every day will bring about noticeable improvements in the way you feel and think about life.

When you start, the movements seem quite strange, but you will soon find that getting your energy flowing freely has many positive spin-offs. Energy blockages are at the root of many illnesses, and much effort is sometimes required to free your energy. Acupuncture is probably the most well-known form of energy therapy, but you can get the same results without needles.

Holy Fire Reiki is easy to learn and use, yet it provides the same benefits as the older, more traditional, versions. It is identical to Tibetan Reiki (Usui), except that the symbols and Violet Breath is replaced with the Holy Fire image. With it being so much simpler to master the teachings, you have no excuse to carry in the same old way.

Reiki is very therapeutic, but most people struggle to keep up the sessions. They eventually stop doing the exercises and find that all their old problems start to come back. This is very disappointing, when you think of all the trouble you went to just get over your problems in the first place. Making a daily routine an integral part of your life is the best way to solve this problem

Courses on the older Tibetan Usui styles as well as the modern Holy Fire method are still available for those who prefer it. Both are equally effective, but it usually takes less time to learn the newer version. Wholehearted trust in the method you use is important, so do whichever you feel most comfortable with.

There are great Holy Fire Reiki classes available in Portland, Oregon, with compassionate, caring, teachers. Your local Masters have had a lot of experience in teaching this energy therapy and healing people with it. You now have a great opportunity to learn something which you can use for the rest of your life.

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Useful Ayurvedic treatment eye floaters

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Knowing Floaters in eye after laser surgery

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

What Is Involved In Sciatica Treatment

By Essie Osborn

Sciatica refers to a group of symptoms such as the pain caused by compression. The pain could also be a result of irritation of any of the spinal nerve roots. In this case, the symptoms are caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerve or either of the left or right sciatic nerve. The general symptoms caused by this problem include pain, weakness or numbness to the lower back, buttocks and legs. In Moab UT there are various professionals who can help you with sciatica treatment.

Pricking or tingling sensations and inability to move the legs are also some of the causal factors to sciatic nerve pain. Medics hold that this problem can only be manifested through one side of the body. A victim would feel pain on either left or right leg but not both of them at the same time. There are a lot of controversies to understanding sciatica since it is usually judged on its diagnosis.

Instead of analyzing its diagnostic procedure, sciatica should be understood in terms of the symptoms, especially the pains to the lower parts of the body. Besides medication, there are also other ways through this problem can be handled. However, the treatment method depends on the intensity of the pain to the affected areas of the body.

From a general point of view, sciatica can also be caused by a number of other issues. Examples include spinal disc herniation, spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome, and pregnancy. It is also believed that there are further causes of sciatica. For instance, it could be caused by impinging of the tumors on the spinal cord of the roots of the nerve.

There are a wide range of procedures that are applicable diagnosing sciatica. However, physical examination of the body and checking the medical history of the victim are commonly used for this problem. For instance, this could be conducted if a person is suffering from a radiating pain in his/her legs, a compression to the base of the nerve or neurological shortage then he/she should be diagnosed. Simple holding of the affected leg in a straight position could also serve the same purpose.

The above procedure can be considered a positive approach, especially if the pain in the distribution of the sciatic nerve is reproduced with a passive flexion of between 30-70 degrees when the leg is held straight. Other diagnostic tests include imaging of the magnetic resonance and computerized tomography. They are used to diagnose lumbar disc herniation.

Lumber disc herniation, for instance, can be cured through certain management processes and routine treatment within the first 8 weeks. It can be simply handled through having bed rests. The treatment process also requires use of medicines. Analgesics, for instance, are used, but are not considered the best.

Most commonly, NSAIDs are considered the best remedies for persistent pains, while opioids and muscle relaxants are also boosters. In case the problem arose from piriformis syndrome, the pain can be relieved by botulism. Additionally, steroids such as epidural and pills as well as surgery are used for special cases of the problem.

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Eye floaters alternative cure

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Everyone should eat less rice !

[This is an article sent by a friend. I hope readers will read it and start to consume it less from henceforth]

The human body was never meant to consume rice! You see, our genes have hardly changed in more than 30,000 years. However, our food choices and lifestyle have changed dramatically. The caveman would hardly recognise our food or way of life.

Caveman food was never cooked as fire was not yet tamed. Thus, he ate only those foods that you can eat without treatment with or by fire. He ate fruits, vegetables, fish (sushi anyone?), eggs, nuts and meat. Yes, even meat! You can even eat meat raw if you were starving in the forest. You have the necessary enzymes to digest meat.

However, rice, like wheat and corn, cannot be eaten raw. It must be cooked. Even if you were starving in the desert, you cannot eat rice in the raw form. This is because we do not have the system of enzymes to break rice down. You were never meant to eat rice. To make matters worse, you not only eat rice, but also make it the bulk of your food.

In some parts of Asia , rice forms up to 85% of the plate. Even if you take rice, keep it to a minimum. Remember, it is only for your tongue - not your body. Actually, rice and other grains like wheat and corn are actually worse than sugar. There are many reasons:

Rice becomes sugar - lots of it !

This is a fact that no nutritionist can deny: rice is chemically no different from sugar. One bowl of cooked rice is the caloric equal of 10 teaspoons of sugar. This does not matter whether it is white, brown or herbal rice. Brown rice is richer in fibre, some B vitamins and minerals but it is still the caloric equal of 10 teaspoons of sugar. To get the same 10 teaspoons of sugar, you need to consume lots of kangkong-10 bowls of it.

Rice is digested to become sugar.

Rice cannot be digested before it is thoroughly cooked. However, when thoroughly cooked, it becomes sugar and spikes circulating blood sugar within half an hour-almost as quickly as it would if you took a sugar candy. Rice is very low in the 'rainbow of anti-oxidants. '

This complete anti-oxidant rainbow is necessary for the effective and safe utilisation of sugar. Fruits come with a sugar called fructose. However, they are not empty calories as the fruit is packed with a whole host of other nutrients that help its proper assimilation and digestion.

Rice has no fibre.

The fibre of the kangkong fills you up long before your blood sugar spikes. This is because the fibre bulks and fills up your stomach. Since white rice has no fibre, you end up eating lots of 'calorie dense' food before you get filled up. Brown rice has more fibre but still the same amount of sugar.

Rice is tasteless-sugar is sweet.

There is only so much that you can eat at one sitting. How many teaspoons of sugar can you eat before you feel like throwing up? Could you imagine eating 10 teaspoons of sugar in one seating?

Rice is always the main part of the meal.

waterWhile sugar may fill your dessert or sweeten your coffee, it will never be the main part of any meal. You could eat maybe two to three teaspoons of sugar at one meal. However, you could easily eat the equal value of two to three bowls (20-30 teaspoons) of sugar in one meal. I am always amused when I see someone eat sometimes five bowls of rice (equals 50 teaspoons of sugar) and then asks for tea tarik kurang manis!

There is no real 'built in' mechanism for us to prevent overeating of rice:

How much kangkong can you eat ?
How much fried chicken can you eat ?
How much steamed fish can you eat ?

Think about that !

In one seating, you cannot take lots of chicken, fish or cucumber, but you can take lots of rice. Eating rice causes you to eat more salt. As rice is tasteless, you tend to consume more salt-another villain when it comes to high blood pressure. You tend to take more curry that has salt to help flavor rice. We also tend to consume more ketchup and soy sauce which are also rich in salt.

Eating rice causes you to drink less water.

The more rice you eat, the less water you will drink as there is no mechanism to prevent the overeating of rice. Rice, wheat and corn come hidden in our daily food. As rice is tasteless, it tends to end up in other foods that substitute rice like rice flour, noodles and bread. We tend to eat the hidden forms which still get digested into sugar.

Rice, even when cooked, is difficult to digest.

Can't eat raw rice? Try eating rice half cooked. Contrary to popular belief, rice is very difficult to digest. It is 'heavy stuff'. If you have problems with digestion, try skipping
rice for a few days. You will be amazed at how the problem will just go away.

Rice prevents the absorption of several vitamins and minerals.

Rice when taken in bulk will reduce the absorption of vital nutrients like zinc, iron and the B vitamins.

Are you a rice addict ? Going rice-less may not be easy but you can go rice-less. Eating less rice could be lot easier than you think. Here are some strategies that you can pursue in your quest to eat less rice:

Eat less rice-cut your rice by half.

salmon-steaksBarry Sears, author of the Zone Diet, advises 'eating rice like spice'. Instead, increase your fruits and vegetables. Take more lean meats and fish. You can even take more eggs and nuts.

Have 'riceless' meals.

Take no rice or wheat at say, breakfast. Go for eggs instead.

Go on 'riceless' days.

Go 'western' once a week.

Take no rice and breads for one day every week.

That can't be too difficult. Appreciate the richness of your food. Go for taste, colours and smells. Make eating a culinary delight. Enjoy your food in the original flavours.

Avoid the salt shaker or ketchup. You will automatically eat less rice.

Eat your fruit dessert before your meals. The fibre rich fruits will 'bulk up' in your stomach. Thus, you will eat less rice and more fruits.

It's your life. Decide what you want to eat ! But eat less rice !

Chair Massage Las Vegas Tips

By Lila Bryant

It is important to make sure that the body gets to fully relax every once in a while. Due to the pressure exerted on the bodily muscles on a day to day basis, scheduling a rub down at the local parlor may be a great idea. When looking to enjoy a chair massage Las Vegas individuals may want to make sure that they have with them either a pillow neck or a portable head rest in order for them to be more comfortable.

The recipient often gets to decide whether he wants to remain dressed or not. Either way, he must make sure that his hair is not in the way. This is more so for people who happen to have very long hair strands.

The body rub down can begin with the shoulders. For many working class people, the shoulders are usually filled up with lots of tension. This comes about due to hunching in front of a computer all day long. The masseuse should begin at the base of each neck and then knead and squeeze the shoulders gently.

Each side should be well taken care of. This will require that he works his way towards the arms and then backwards again. This motion must be repeated two or three times.

Necks are another important part of the human body. For the neck, a masseuse will need to use his thumbs. The thumbs should be moved in a circular motion along the spine sides. Where a recipient requests for it, more pressure can be added to make the rub down more fulfilling.

At times, the recipient may benefit from the application of additional pressure during kneading. Any pressure being applied must however be well regulated. Areas such as the neck and the spine are very sensitive. Too much pressure may see the body part experience some injuries that may take a long time to heal.

Percussion is a technique that should be applied when dealing with the back. The back is made up of a large area of muscles. When handling this area, begin from the recipients shoulders before proceeding to the back. You can regularly tap on the muscles at the back.

Every time a new technique is about to be applied, the masseuse should use very light amounts of pressure. It is always important to make sure that you begin slowly. By so doing, you allow the recipient to adjust to the new techniques with ease. It also makes it easier to work all the muscles.

This type of rub down has various benefits to the body. Among the top benefits that a person gets to enjoy is reduced anxiety. Any emotional stress that was being experienced is also slowly taken away. While taking away the emotional stress, it also helps deal with any physical pressure that may be experienced.

Scheduling this type of massage will also help you improve on your sleeping patterns. This is because the rub down will help the body come up with better postures. This is mainly because of the fact that it helps increase flexibility in all the body parts.

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Monday, April 24, 2017

Knowing Newborn eye spots

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