Saturday, April 29, 2017

An Overview Of Natural Head Lice Treatment

By Miranda Sweeney

When people have found that someone in the family is suffering from head lice, they will need to take action as soon as possible. Instead of looking to harsh chemicals, however, men and women will likely be much happier using organic techniques. With some reputable natural head lice treatment, the critters can be eliminated sooner rather than later.

Parents should first determine how bad the infestation is. If there are just a few lice visible on the scalp, then they can usually be wiped out in a period of days. Sever infestations can present hundreds of lice at once, will generally require more immediate action. Individuals should not stop the prescribed treatment until each louse has been eradicated.

A comb will come in handy when people are trying to combat the critters. As long as the comb has some small teeth, it can be used to pick out the adults and the eggs. As long a the comb is thoroughly washed with soap and warm water after each time it is used, it should work. The eggs can be washed down the drain and sent to their demise.

Olive oil is an ingredient that most people will have in the pantry at home. By using a few dollops of the oil and spreading it deeply into the hair, the eggs can be made infertile. Because only a small amount of olive oil will be needed, people should measure it carefully before they use it. After the treatment, the hair can be washed out with a good shampoo.

Mouthwash is similarly effective on most people. The product is alcohol based and is thus pretty pungent. Many individuals mix it with vinegar to create an acidic cocktail that will be highly effective against each and every louse. A little bit of mouthwash will go a long ways, and parents will not need to use much when adding it to their kids' heads.

If parents have noticed that their kids have picked up the condition, they should monitor the progress of the disease as the days go by. If it looks like the critters are still present in force, then a different method will have to be tried. Not all methods will work equally well, and the adults of the household will have to continue to try various techniques until a good one is found.

Lice can often cause severe itching in the hair and scalp. Children should be told that they should avoid scratching the head as much as possible. With luck, they can make it through the condition without causing any bleeding. If people do feel the urge to scratch, they should do it lightly while wearing a pair of sturdy rubber gloves.

In the end, treating a parasitic condition can at first seem scary. As long as parents ensure that the children are making progress, however, the critters and be eliminated rather quickly. The kids can return to their school within a few weeks and will not cause anyone else in the classroom to be affected.

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