Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Amazing Natural Remedy For Skin Hair And Nails That Are Healthy And Beautiful

By Margaret Harris

The human body is considered beautiful or appealing depending on the condition of external parts such as hair nails and skin. Unfortunately though, may suffer from conditions that affect the appearance of these body features. Anyone searching for a natural remedy for skin hair and nails will find invaluable advise in this discussion.

There are two basic categories into which these remedies fall. One is internal while the other is external. For the internal remedies, consumption is required for the benefits to be reaped. The external ones are basically topical applications that are used in a similar fashion to cosmetics. Both types of remedies have been identified as successful by users.

Among the popular internal natural remedies for beauty purposes is folic acid. This is a b vitamin that is found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. It works by encouraging the body to replenish, repair and restore cells, including those of the epidermis, hair and nails. Many nutritionists recommend folic acid for general health and so for many, the beauty benefits may be just a bonus.

A popular nature made remedy for beauty is royal jelly. Produced in the hive exclusively for the queen bee, who by the way outlives everyone else in the hive, this nutrient is full of b vitamins. Users of royal jelly swear that using it has led to better looking skin and healthier, longer tresses. Royal jelly is available in two forms. Its natural form is a gel or cream like substance and many dealers sell it this way. It is also available as a capsule as the nutrient is freeze dried and compressed.

Yet another great topical treatment for beauty purposes is castor oil. This oil is taken from the seeds of the castor plant. Its use as a beauty and health enhancer dates back to many centuries ago. When this oil is rubbed into the skin it helps to reduce the signs of aging or keep them at bay. It also helps to minimize the appearance of scars. It also strengthens tresses and promote length.

Cocoa butter, the substance extracted from the seeds of the cocoa fruit, has been promoted for a long time as a beauty product. It is moisturizing by nature which is why when it is placed on the hair and nails it reduces dryness and as a result prevents breakage. It also has a long tradition for being used by pregnant women for preventing stretch marks. Even after stretch marks and scars occur, this substance is used successfully to reduce them.

Shea Butter cannot be overlooked in any discussion on remedies for external body features. It reduces and eliminates itchiness, the signs of eczema and other skin conditions. This is because of its high vitamin A content. It also has vitamin E which is popular for dermis and epidermis health.

With so many amazing natural ways to ensure that hair nail and epidermis are healthy, there is really no excuse for complacency. Some remedies are available naturally which means that they are economical to use. Quite often, they are cheaper than the alternatives and have fewer and sometimes no adverse effects. This makes them the ideal choice for many.

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