Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Benefits Of Non Medical Home Care

By Essie Osborn

The fastest growing group of people in America are those over sixty years of age. As these people age and eventually retire many of them find they need assistance around the house with daily tasks. One of the options open to them is non medical home care from one of the many private and public sources available.

The most sought after benefit offered by these agencies is that the recipient is able to remain in their home while receiving the assistance. The threat of being forced to move from familiar surroundings can cause a great deal of anguish among the elderly. The services provided to them can delay placement for years.

There are many ways to access these services in most communities. Some are financed by the government and entrance is limited by income levels of the participants. These programs may be called A Friendly Visitor Program that drops in to visit and spend time socializing with the client. In Home Support Services is another government financed agency that helps with house work, cooking, shopping and transportation.

There are also non-profit and private organizations that help with housing for seniors. Non-profits are financed by HUD and offer independent living opportunities to those who need financial relief. These facilities are referred to as independent living with assistance. The assistance is not provided by the non-profit but instead comes from outside agencies. Private organizations offer the services from within their organizations.

The individual client is in control of what assistance they request and at times will simply desire a companion for several hours a week. Some of the services offered by these agencies can include assistance with bathing and dressing if necessary. Most encourage family support and participation in the plan design.

When selecting the person who will fill this position it is important that you do a thorough background check on them. You will also want to check the references they have and determine that they are trustworthy and capable of doing the job. A licensed agency will usually provide the background checks and personal references needed to assure honesty and skill levels necessary.

An advantage gained by hiring a professional assistant to help dependent adults or seniors in your family is that their lives are not disrupted and you are able to carry on with your normal activities on a day to day basis. Handling a family as well as keeping your house in order and perhaps even working during the week is a huge responsibility for anyone. By using the services available from public and private agencies you will still be able to have time for relaxation and spend time with them on a regular schedule.

Being able to stay in the home they own is very important to people and as they age it becomes even more important. Aging in place is possible for most seniors if they have access to the appropriate resources and the financial means to afford the extra cost. As a whole, bringing the assistance to the senior is far more cost efficient than the alternative of placing them in a nursing home or retirement facility.

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