Tuesday, May 31, 2016

For Treatment Of Back Pain Conroe Is Worth Visiting

By Ruth Ellis

According to approximations, over eighty percent of American citizens in the US make doctor visits or do not report to work because of backaches. Backaches can cause discomfort and aching, but they are merely a source of panic. Most of them need a few days or weeks to go away. However, some pains may last for long or even become seasonal. If this becomes the case, it is advisable to seek medical help. When in need for remedy for back pain Conroe should be the place to give priority.

Backaches are usually characterized by the region of the back they affect. In most cases, they occur in the lower region, but the pain may be felt throughout the back from the neck to the hips. The problem can be caused if there is a problem in any of the structures or organs surrounding the spine. Some major types of backaches are slipped disc, whiplash, ankylosing apondylitis, frozen shoulder, arthritis, osteoporosis, shingles, spine cancer, and sciatica.

The source of backaches may be a single or multiple causes. Some of the causes comprise of muscle spasm, strained ligaments, and strained muscles. One may also experience the aching if they sleep in a bad posture. Aching caused by a bad posture usually does not last a very long time before disappearing. However, it is not in cases that it disappears. It may also linger around for a while if one keeps sleeping in the same posture.

It is best to make notes about the history of the pains. When making the notes, one should note the onset of the aching, characteristic, major changes, triggers, and duration of an episode. If the pains have only been felt for a few days, it is best to remain as active as possible and keep to daily routine. One can also take ibuprofen, paracetamol or other kinds of painkillers if they feel like they need to.

The aching can be eased by using hot or cold compression packs. Most local pharmacies sell these packs and one may acquire them from there. If these packs are not accessible at the moment, one may use hot water bottle or frozen vegetables in a bag. These are as effective as compression packs. One can recover quickly if they maintain hope and positivity.

Prevention of the problem can be done by being cautious with the sort of lifestyle one observes. Keeping off from lifting weights and heavy items can help prevent the problem. The back remains in good form if it is not strained by pressure resulting from weightlifting. Another prevention strategy is regular exercise. Some recommendable exercise are walking and swimming.

People across all age groups are affected by this condition. However, the likelihood of grownups aged 35 to 55 being affected by the condition is usually higher than people in other age groups. Senior citizens also get affected as a result of physiological changes that result from the normal process of aging.

Treatment for backaches will depend on the level of its severity. Some common treatment options are acupuncture, counseling, manual therapy, exercise classes, and stronger painkillers. Surgery may also become an option if the problem needs surgical intervention.

About the Author:

Avastin Lucentis Update 36 More on Possible Problems with Pharmacy Compounding of Avastin

Last October 27th, I first reported on the disturbing news about particulate matter causing IOP spikes following Avastin injections, as reported during the 2009 AAO Meeting by Dr. Malik Kahook. Well, Dr. Kahook expanded on his remarks at the Royal Hawaiian meeting in January (Hawaiian Eye 2010), which first appeared on the OSN Supersite on January 21st. The editors of OSN Supersite have now updated his remarks and re-published them today.

Here is the updated commentary, as reported by OSN Supersite 2-25-10:

Particulates in long-stored bevacizumab may cause spike in IOP

KOLOA, Hawaii — Bevacizumab stored for long periods of time under suboptimal conditions showed evidence of increased large particulate matter, possibly resulting in increased IOP after intravitreal injection, a presenter here said. Malik Y. Kahook, MD

"Avastin is not formulated for sitting in a plastic syringe for an extended period of time. It is also not formulated for sitting in a plastic syringe that has a rubber stop in it. Exposure to light can also change the properties of stored bevacizumab. So all of these things are influencing what we are seeing," Malik Y. Kahook, MD, said at Hawaiian Eye 2010.

In 2007, the first reported case of increased IOP due to anti-VEGF treatment was published, he said. Since then, there have been at least 56 published reports showing IOP spikes of up to 40 mm Hg to 50 mm Hg in age-related macular degeneration patients treated with Avastin (bevacizumab, Genentech) and/or Lucentis (ranibizumab, Genentech).

Dr. Kahook and colleagues looked at a variety of possible explanations, such as inflammation, toxicity and concentration, but none explained the complication.

While the concentration of bevacizumab in syringes decreased after storage, Dr. Kahook used micro-flow imaging to show that the particles per million in the bevacizumab actually increased. In samples obtained from a single compounding pharmacy, the researchers found there was 10 times more large particulate matter. The exact nature of these particles is still under investigation, he said.

"I want to make it clear that these medications have been extremely beneficial for diseases like wet age-related macular degeneration, as well as neovascular glaucoma and that the anti-VEGF agents themselves appear to be safe and well-tolerated," Dr. Kahook said. "Despite the excellent safety profile we have seen some complications and in particular the increase in IOP in patients after receiving single or multiple injections of either Avastin or Lucentis.

"While IOP spikes have been seen with Lucentis, it is much more frequent in patients receiving Avastin injections, and we have not seen a large number of particulate matter in the syringes of Lucentis that we have studied.

"It does appear that the Avastin repackaging process in some cases is not ideal and can be improved upon," he said.

Dr. Kahook suggested ophthalmologists should learn more about their source of repackaged bevacizumab, ask for syringes stored for less than 2 weeks and keep syringes in the refrigerator until needed. He also suggested not shaking or tapping the syringes and possibly buying one's own vial rather than buying the repackaged syringes.

Editor's note: This is an updated version of an article that appeared on the OSN SuperSite on Jan. 21, 2010.

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The Pros And Cons Of Being A Vegetarian For Fitness

By Coach Todd

The road to a healthier, more nutritious diet begins the moment you resolve to improve the way you eat. You don't have to do it all at once; work your way into eating healthy. If you want, you can move into better nutrition gradually using nifty advice like what follows.

Meat is very helpful for building up your muscles. Eat approximately one gram of meat-protein per body pound. This will allow your body to store some of that protein, and stored protein can result in increased muscle mass.

Try packing your own lunch for work or school. When you pack your meals, you don't need to eat out or eat junk food. Just spend a few minutes in the kitchen, and you can create several meal options.

If you're addicted to junk food, you'll find it very difficult to quit, but it's also an amazing thing to do for your body. Many people crave not only the taste, but also the convenience of junk food. Make sure that you have the determination to fight off cravings well into a diet. Junk food cravings can be harmful to any healthful diet, but if recognized and replaced with healthier alternatives, the cravings will start to diminish.

Try to get in as many reps and sets as you can during each muscle building session. Try taking breaks that don't exceed 1 minute and try 15 reps for each set. When you do this your lactic acids keep flowing and help stimulate muscle growth. Increase the weight without decreasing reps to maximize muscle growth.

Making smoothies is delicious and fun. Here's some tips to make a more nutritious and delicious smoothie. A good addition to any smoothie is cocoa powder, because it is rich in antioxidants. Also consider adding flax seed oils full of omega-3 acids. These two ingredients can make your smoothie taste even better and give you some more nutrients to boost your immune system.

It is a good idea to have a snack before you head off to enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner. When you are offered a big meal and you haven't eaten all day prior to that, chances are that you will overindulge in an over-the-top way. If you eat a bite of food before you go, it is easier to feel full faster and eat less.

Hopefully, you've just learned some things that you can fit into your lifestyle. There are many benefits to building muscle, both physical and mental. Maintain your focus and be dedicated and soon you will achieve positive results in how you look and feel, along with improving your overall strength.

About the Author:

Monday, May 30, 2016

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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Endoscopy in Ophthalmology The Latest News and Some History

I saw a brief writeup in the current OSN Supersite (September 22, 2009) about Endo Optiks launching a new series of high-resolution micro-endoscopes and it brought to mind the first time I learned and wrote about this company.

I first learned about video endoscopic techniques being used in ophthalmology in the Spring of 1991. At that year’s ASCRS Meeting I learned about Summit Technology’s OmniView and at the Fall AAO Meeting, about Escalon’s InnerView.. In the Summer of 1992, I learned about the newest technology in this field, to be introduced at that Fall’s AAO Meeting, the MicroProbe video endoscope from Endo Optiks. The story about these endoscopes was published in the October 15, 1992 issue of Ocular Surgery News.

I thought that some of you might be interested in both the latest news and a little bit of history.

Here is the latest news from Endo Optiks, followed by the original writeup published in October 1992.

Endo Optiks launches series of high-resolution micro-endoscopes

LITTLE SILVER, N.J. — Endo Optiks has added a new series of high-resolution micro-endoscopes to its existing endoscopes line, providing improved image quality and increased field of view, according to a press release from the company.

"We designed the new high-resolution scopes to help surgeons better visualize the anatomy of the eye," Martin Uram, MD, endoscope creator and co-founder of Endo Optiks, said in the release. "Surgeons will find improved visualization when performing endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation, panretinal photocoagulation and diagnostics."

Two new versions have been launched: the Triple Function Micro-Endoscope and the Dual Function Micro-Endoscope. Both combine light and imaging, but the Triple Function Micro-Endoscope model also offers laser, the release said. The Triple Function Micro-Endoscope has a 19-gauge probe, while the Dual Function Micro-Endoscope has a 20-gauge probe.

The high resolution of the devices is a 70% increase in pixels from the company's existing scopes, from the current 10,000 pixels to a 17,000 pixel fiber optic bundle, the release said.

In addition, the devices offer an expanded 160̊ field-of-view.

Source: OSN SuperSite 9/22/09

Original writeup as submitted July 17, 1992 to Ocular Surgery News and published in the October 15, 1992 issue:

Technology Update


Irving J. Arons
Ophthalmic Consulting Group
Arthur D. Little

It was inevitable that video endoscopic techniques, now widely practiced in general laparoscopic/endoscopic surgery, should finally reach ophthalmology. True, most inner parts of the eye are readily viewed through the pupil and minimally invasive surgery has been a part of the ophthalmologist's armamentarium for some time, but certain parts of the eye are not easily viewed, much less treated, and this new technology seeks to correct this oversight. With the new technology, eye structures such as the back of the iris, the ciliary body, the far reaches of the retina, and sites at or near the zonule attachment points can now be clearly seen and treated. Further, with the magnification and visual detail available with today's video endoscopic equipment, enhanced views of cellular level structures are now possible for other areas of the eye as well.

Over the past two years, at least two video endoscopic techniques have been introduced into ophthalmology. At the 1991 ASCRS meeting, Summit Technology announced its OmniView, an ophthalmic fiberendoscopic system containing between 50 to 70 illuminating fibers surrounding an image guide, all bundled into an 0.8 mm probe. It was introduced for viewing of sutures placed into the ciliary body, for inspection of the integrity of the posterior capsule, and to verify IOL haptic placement. Other applications suggested were for viewing retinal and glaucoma surgery, for otolaryngology, lacrimal duct surgery and for neurosurgery. Summit expected to sell the system for about $18,000.

The second ophthalmic endoscopic system was InnerView, launched by Escalon Ophthalmics at last fall's AAO meeting. This again is a small (20 gauge, 0.9 mm) flexible endoscope probe that can be coupled to a high resolution video display. Although the price had not been fixed at the time of introduction last fall, it was estimated that the system would sell for between $16,000 to $18,000 complete.

However, the newest endoscopic technology, to be launched at this fall's Academy Meeting, is the MicroProbe, an integrated diode laser treatment device combined with a high resolution microendoscope. The new device is from Endo Optiks, a two-year old Little Silver, NJ startup company, founded by Dr Martin Uram, a retinal surgeon in New Jersey. Endo Optiks has been able to couple an endoscopic viewing system with a diode laser and is working on incorporation of an aspirator system, all into a 20 gauge (0.89 mm) probe that can both view and treat formerly inaccessible parts of the eye. Further, with its high resolution color capabilities, the system can be used for diagnosis of difficult to view intraocular structures.

The heart of the system is a unique, patented, lens delivery system that combines a high illumination light source, a high resolution video endoscopic pickup, and a 0.1 to 2 watt 810 nm diode laser photocoagulation delivery system, all contained within a 20 gauge probe. This will allow the surgeon to view and treat a variety of eye structures including the peripheral retina, the pars plana, ciliary body and the posterior aspects of the iris in vivo.

The MicroProbe consists of a compact console containing the light source, the high resolution video monitor, a VCR recorder, the aspirator pump, the diode laser (including a red diode aiming beam), and simple keyboard controls. The system has been undergoing clinical evaluation trials, has received 510 (k) marketing clearance, and will be officially launched at this years AAO Meeting (1992) in Dallas.

By integrating the viewing and treating modalities into a 20 guage handpiece, the new system is truly a breakthrough in ophthalmology. In addition to viewing and treating the peripheral retina and ciliary processes, the unique system can be used for up close and personal diagnoses of other eye structures, giving high resolution colored views of the retina, lens, iris, and other ocular structures (and implants).

The primary application for the new device is expected to be for retinal surgeons for performing all types of vitreoretinal procedures. However, it is expected that glaucoma specialists will also find use for the device in pursuing direct visualization and laser treatment of the ciliary processes, as an alternative treatment for intractable glaucoma. The technology holds great promise for use in other medical fields as well. It is anticipated that the MicroProbe integrated endoscopy and laser system will sell for between $50,000 to $60,000 when it comes to market this fall.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ear Troubles and Homeopathy

Have you ever thought how dull this world would be if you wouldn’t be able to hear? You wouldn’t hear the cute voice of your child, lovely whisper of your spouse, the sound of wind and leaves, sound of the rain that makes you excited from within, so on and so forth. No doubt ears are as important sense organs as eyes. And therefore due care of our ears is necessary in order to have this faculty of hearing well for years to come. For those who don’t know, ears not only help us in hearing but they are one of the prime organs that help us to have a balanced gait.

However, it is often seen that we are least bothered for our ear-health as compared to the health of other organs like eyes. We take their functions for granted. And that’s the reason it is seen that most patients with ear problems report at much later stage to the doctors.  

Some of the common ear problems that occur in almost all age groups are—

  1. Acute ear infections
  2. Fungal ear infections
  3. Wax deposition
  4. Hearing difficulties
  5. Boils in the ears
  6. Otitis media (acute and chronic)
  7. Skin problems near and around the ears (dermatitis, eczema etc)
  8. Tinnitus (buzzing in the ears)
  9. Meniere’s syndrome

Before we proceed to how homeopathy can help in various ear infections, we should know the auxiliary factors about ear protection-

  1. Never put any ear drops, oil, water, etc in your ears as a routine, unless suggested by your doctor. It never helps in relieving any ear condition but you lose your chances of faster recovery. Even in young children, the practice of putting warm oil in the ears should be condemned. Most fungal infections are the result of putting such liquids into the ears.
  2. Do not blow your nose profusely. It creates pressure in the Eustachian tube that joins your nose and ears. When this pressure exceeds, your ears get the plugged sensation that you loathe.
  3. Do not put any instrument in your ears to clean them. Even soft buds inserted deep inside can cause damage to the delicate ear drum.
  4. Remember that some amount of ear wax acts as a protective barrier and should be kept intact. Dry ears lead to more problems.

Homeopathic Approach to Ear Problems—

Propensity to develop chronic ear problems counts in homeopathy. Therefore, as with any other bodily trouble, a homeopath considers it as a constitutional ailment and treats accordingly. But for acute infections and problems, one has to consider the acute totality of symptoms and treat the acute problem and/or acute exacerbation of chronic problem. Let’s see the homeopathic drugs and their symptoms for which we choose them in treating the ear troubles—

  1. Aconitum nap-

-         Exposure to cold, windy weather if brings on sudden throbbing ear ache, before localization of inflammation takes place.
-         Fearful, agitated and restless patient
-         Ear ache may wake up the patient near midnight
-         High fever might be the concomitant symptom with thirst

  1. Belladona-

-         Pain in ear come and goes suddenly
-         Red hot ear with throbbing pain
-         Feels as if fumes are emerging from ears
-         Usually accompanied by fever, flushed face, and heightened sensitivity to any type of noise and/or jar
-         Right ear affections
-         The child with ear ache can be very restless at night and even have nightmares

  1. Chamomilla-

-         Extreme irritability associated with ear pain calls for this remedy
-         Child with ear pain often screams and hits
-         Heat in any form is intolerable
-         Aggravated in windy weather
-         One cheek is often hot and red
-         Swelling and heat in the ears drive the patient frantic
-         Stitching type of pains
-         Blocked feeling in ears
-         Ringing in ears
-         Worse in windy weather

  1. Hepar sulph-

-         Scurfy eruptions on and behind the ears
-         Fetid discharge from ears
-         After allergic fevers, feeling of blockage or deafness
-         Pustular eruptions in the auditory canal and over the pinna
-         Advanced infections usually call for Hepar sulph
-         Stabbing type of pains as if a splinter is being driven in
-         Extremely sensitive to cold air; little draft aggravates ear trouble
-         Irritable with ear ache

  1. Merc sol-

-         Chronic ear infections
-         Pus formation marked with yellow discharge
-         Extremely offensive and bloody discharge
-         Boils formed in the external canal
-         Shooting pains with roaring in ears
-         Problems in the bones of the ear to the point of necrosis
-         Very sensitive to extremes of temperature
-         With enlarged lymph nodes around the ears
-         Ear pain is worse at night and due to the warmth of the bed

  1. Pusatilla-

-         Sensation in ears as if something is being forced out
-         Very effective remedy in recurrent fungal infections of ears
-         Thick bland ear discharge
-         Offensive odor of discharge
-         Hearing difficult as if being plugged
-         Red and swollen external ear
-         Acuity of hearing diminished
-         Ear pain worse at night
-         Ear troubles in patients with recurrent respiratory infections
-         Deep itching inside the ears

  1. Merc dulcis-

-         Closure of Eustachian tube, due to which patient has blocked feeling
-         Otitis media chronic
-         Scrofulous children with recurrent ear problems
-         The tympanic membrane inflamed and thickened
-         Deafness due to recurrent infections

  1. Salicylic acid-

-         Meniere’s disease.
-         Ringing, buzzing, and roaring in ears
-         Associated with vertigo
-         Deafness
-         Dyspeptic trouble is often the concomitant symptom

  1. Verbascum-

-         Ear pain with sense of obstruction
-         Dry, scurfy ear canal
-         Can be used locally as Mullein Oil
-         Periodicity of ear symptoms is marked

What is Whole Grain

[Extracted from HealthGrain Background]

Whole grain is an important source of dietary fibre, minerals, vitamins, phyto-oestrogens, antioxidants and other components and is low in saturated fatty acids. The nutrients are not uniformly distributed throughout the grain kernel. The highest concentration of nutrients is located in the germ and bran layer. The main nutrients of the three parts are listed below:

Bran : rich in B vitamins, phytonutrients (flavonoids, indoles), fibre, minerals; small amount of protein

Endosperm : predominantly carbohydrate, also proteins, small amounts of B vitamins

Germ : rich in minerals (Fe, Zn), B vitamins, phytonutrients and antioxidant vitamin E

During the milling (or refining) process of grains the bran and germ is removed resulting in a substantial loss of important nutrients.

NOTE : Whole grain products contain the whole package of nutrients from the entire grain kernel !

Dietary Fibre

Dietary fibre is made up of the edible parts of the plant that can not be digested or absorbed in the small intestine. It can be found especially in whole grain products like bran and oat bran cereals, whole and mixed grain breads or wholegrain breakfast cereals for example.

Dietary fibre includes :

- Non-starch polysaccharides : e.g. cellulose, hemicellulose, gums, pectins

- Oligosaccharides : inulin

- Lignin

- Associated plant substances : e.g. lignin and waxes

- Resistant starch : found in pulses, partly-milled seeds and grains as well as in processed cereals. It resists digestion in the small intestine.

Dietary fibre is divided into soluble and insoluble fibre :

- Soluble fibre : in oats, barley, rye, fruits, vegetables and pulses. Soluble fibre may slow digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and therefore help people with diabetes and high blood cholesterol levels improve control their blood glucose and blood lipid levels. Whole grain products provide 20-50 % of their fibre in the soluble (or viscous) form.

- Insoluble fibre : in whole grain cereals and wholemeal bread, is important for bowel function and regularity

What can whole grain do for you ?

Dietary fibre was long considered the most important health protective component of cereal grains. Now more and more evidence evolves that cereals also contain other protective compounds, such as oligosaccharides and phytochemicals (also referred to as bioactive substances; they are commonly found in plant foods and may have beneficial effects on health).

Whole grain foods are "packages" of nutrients, phyto-protective components and fibre. Together these substances probably work far better than one of them alone.
A number of scientific studies indicate significant health benefits of whole grains. The full benefits are not completely known and understood so far but research is on the way to learn more and more about the mechanisms.


- Epidemiological studies indicate that the risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus can be decreased with a greater consumption of whole grains.

- Whole grain consumption is associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease.

- Whole grains reduce the risk of constipation.

- Whole grain foods are digested and absorbed more slowly.

- High fibre foods may promote satiation and satiety resulting in a decreased energy intake.

- Whole grain products help in maintaining a healthy body weight due to being low in fat and high in fibre.

- Whole grain foods tend to have a low GI (glycaemic index) because of the larger particle size and high content of viscous fibre.

Briefly, whole grain may be good for your :

- heart
- blood sugar levels
- insulin levels
- body weight
- overall digestive health

Current consumption of whole grain

A number of surveys show that the consumption of whole grain increases with the age of the consumer and that men consume more whole grain than women, maybe because of a greater overall food intake.

The income and level of education are positively associated with whole grain consumption in the USA and the UK. On the contrary, in Finland the highest intakes of rye bread were found in lower socio-economic groups.

In the USA and UK whole grain consumers were less likely to smoke, tended to be regular exercisers and consumed more fruits and vegetables. These results indicate an association of whole grain consumption with other positive lifestyle traits.

Whole grain consumption in the UK

- People over the age of 65 years consume a weekly average of less than five servings.

- Adults in the age group of 16 to 64 years eat a weekly average of only 2.5 servings.

- Adults between 16 to 24 years have only one serving per week.

- Alarming is that approximately one-third of the British adults and 27% of the children fail to consume any whole grain foods at all.

- In other words 95% of the British adults and 94% of the children do not eat the recommended daily amount of 3 servings.

Whole grain consumption in the USA

- It is estimated that the average whole grain intake in the USA is less than one serving per day.

- Americans consume only an average of 14 to 15 g fibre per day instead of the recommended 25 to 30 grams.

Whole grain consumption of the Scandinavians

- Scandinavians tend to eat more whole grain compared to the USA and UK.

- The consumption of whole grain foods in Norway was reported to be four times that reported for the USA.

- In Finland mainly rye bread is eaten.

Reasons why whole grain consumption may be low

- Sadly, few people are aware of the health benefits of whole grain foods.

- Consumers have difficulties in identifying whole grain foods.

- Consumers express limited knowledge about the preparation and cooking of whole grain foods.

- Whole grain breads are often described as dry and bitter. Whole grain foods in general are sometimes said to be bland and dry in taste.

- Unfortunately whole grain varieties of bread, pasta and rice tend to be more expensive. This deters low-income and vulnerable groups from buying whole grain products.

Increasing variety and availability of acceptable whole grain foods will certainly lead to greater consumption levels.

Which foodstuffs contain whole grain ?

The major sources of whole grain in the UK are bread, breakfast cereals and crackers. Additionally, commonly consumed whole grain foods in Western cultures are dark bread, popcorn, oatmeal and brown rice.

If you find it hard to identify whole grain products look out for the following ingredients :

- wheat flakes
- cereal grains
- whole grain wheat
- whole grain rice
- rolled oats
- oatmeal
- brown rice
- bulgur (cracked wheat)
- whole rye
- pearl barley
- whole grain corn

These ingredients indicate that the product contains whole grain.

Choose whole grain varieties of bread, whole grain breakfast cereals, whole grain pasta and rice or whole grain varieties of biscuits and crackers instead of the white varieties of these products !

How much whole grain is good for you ?

Based on scientific studies an intake of three servings of whole grain per day appears to be beneficial for heart health.

Although benefits are indicated also at relatively low levels (2-3 servings per day), consumption in some Western countries is less than 1 serving per day !

Increased grain consumption is recommended by different international dietary guidelines as a preferred source of carbohydrate, fibre and micronutrients.

Keep in mind

- Choose a wide variety of foods to provide adequate intakes of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre !

- No single food can provide everything your body needs but the wide variety will do !

- Do not forget enough physical activity to keep your body fit !

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Friday, May 27, 2016

The Many Advantages Of Organic Herbal Supplements

By Brenda Warner

Keeping yourself healthy does not have to be expensive. You can always make use of drugs that are derived from the things around you. That is one way for you to make sure that one would not be having any side effects. These things can also improve your immune system against all diseases.

Clearness shall be manifested on your face and that can certainly bring your self esteem to a whole new level. Organic herbal supplements can bring out the good things that are happening inside your system. So, expect to have glossy skin at the same time and be everything that a person can be.

You shall have less inflammation which can only last for a few days. This can prevent any interruption in your work routine. You will not have a deduction in your salary which you need to fulfill all of your plans for the week. These items could make you active again for as long as you will stick with the right dosages and do not skip on them.

Tumors would be prevented even before they start. So, you could have those plans for long term and you never have to worry about your future ever again. Your skin shall be free from any protruded area and that can let people assume the best in you. You would not be hiding your face ever again.

You will be less anxious and that can be better for the people around. They shall start to treat you with less worry and this is your chance to act independently. You shall not have friends who will be watching your every move and that can make you come to the realization that you are stronger than you think.

You can have a cancer free body and that is your greatest treasure in this lifetime. The way you perceive your health is how you will be able to maintain it in the coming years. So, award yourself with a great sense of positivity and you can be a source of inspiration for others in the process. Show them that it is not too late to make a change.

You can cure your cough in just a few days. You have to admit that this condition can be quite discouraging. With this ailment out of the way, you can say whatever you want during meetings without choking. That can stabilize your future once again and let you have bigger dreams for yourself.

The fact that you are a diabetic will not bother you anymore. Your system will be stabilized more than ever. So, you shall be less sensitive to scratches and this can keep you from being hospitalized on a frequent basis. That will be more money for you to buy the things which can help with your nourishment.

Your impotence will no longer be a problem. Your future family formed sooner than you have imagined. This will bring more happiness to your daily life and that could be the kind of change which you shall want to keep for as long as you are breathing in this planet.

About the Author:

Longevity vs Morbidity Ill Health

by Nina 
Ice by Philip Amdal
“Stated succinctly, lower mortality is being replaced by higher morbidity (ill health).” —Daniel Lieberman, from The Story of the Human Body

For some time now I’ve been meaning to write about the difference between longevity (the number of years you live) and morbidity (the number of years you spend in ill health). I think it’s an important topic because morbidity, not longevity, is the issue we’re trying to address here on this blog. I’ve definitely had people challenge me about the longevity issue, saying for example, that if overweight people live just as long as thinner people, what’s the problem? Well, the answer is that the number of years you live is not the whole story. It’s also important to consider what your quality of life might be during your lifetime, especially your later years.

“As more people are living longer and fewer are dying young from diseases caused by infections or insufficient food, exponentially more middle-aged and elderly people are suffering from chronic noninfectious diseases that used to be rare or unknown.” —Daniel Lieberman

As I’m currently reading a book by Daniel Lieberman called The Story of the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease that considers this very issue from the point of view of human evolution, I decided that now would be a good time to take on the topic of longevity vs. morbidity. (Hey, it’s always easier to write about something when I’ve got lots of handy quotes from an expert, in this case a professor of human evolutionary biology and the Edwin M. Lerner II Professor of Biological Sciences at Harvard.)

Here is how the book describes the current epidemic of ill health (morbidity) in the developed world:

“Cosseted by an embarrassment of riches, a majority of adults in developed countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom are unfit and overweight, and the prevalence of childhood obesity is skyrocketing globally, presaging billions more unfit and obese people in the decades to come. Poor fitness and excess weight, in turn, are accompanied by heart disease, strokes, and various cancers, as well as a multitude of costly, chronic illness, such as type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis.” —Daniel Lieberman

Throughout the book, Lieberman talks about how human beings evolved to live a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, one that includes being very physically active (we evolved for endurance walking and running), eating lots of fruits and vegetables and other unprocessed foods (rather than quickly metabolized high-processed foods), and experiencing stress as an acute, episodic reaction rather than a chronic state. He says that our bodies are simply not built to handle being sedentary for years on end, a regular surfeit of calories, and/or a chronically stressful lifestyle.

And for the last couple of years, we’ve been on a mission to let you know the various ways that regular yoga practice can help with the morbidity that is becoming associated with aging in the developing world. Although they won’t turn you back into a hunter-gatherer, the yoga solutions we’ve been offering on this blog for the last couple of years will help you move back in the right direction. A regular asana practice is a great way to return to being physical active, one that helps you with strength, flexibility, balance and agility. Yoga’s stress management tools, including meditation, breath practices, and stress-reducing poses help reduce chronic stress associated with many serious illnesses, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. And for those with weight problems, yoga can be of some help in reducing the stress that can cause overeating and the especially dangerous abdominal fat, allowing you increase your will power, and teaching you to be more mindful in your eating habits.

“Just as this is not the best of all possible worlds, your body is not the best of all possible bodies. But it’s the only one you’ll ever have, and it’s worth enjoying, nurturing, and protecting. “ —Daniel Lieberman

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Featured Pose Warrior 2 Pose Revisited

by Baxter

We wrote about Warrior 2 pose (Virabhadrasana 2), a staple of modern yoga asana practice quite a long while ago (October 20th, 2011, on our first month of the blog), but it is such a valuable pose I felt it was worth revisiting and updating, especially as we have some ideas for useful variations that we never described.

Warrior 2 is one of the most commonly taught and practiced yoga poses in our modern era, and is often one of the first standing poses taught to beginners. This is probably because you are mostly upright and therefore not to far away from the home base of Mountain pose. It is a pose that fosters both strength and flexibility, especially in the legs and shoulders, and begins to introduce just a bit of rotation or twist to the spine. Specifically, it will strengthen the hip flexors of the front leg, the knee extenders of the back leg, the muscles that help to keep the arms parallel to the floor, such as the deltoids, upper trapezius, and supraspinatus, to name just a few. It encourages lengthening of your inner thigh muscles of both legs in slightly different areas, as well as your back leg calf muscles.

Your spine rotates a bit in this pose, as your pelvis turns slightly towards your front foot, your thoracic spine turns toward the long axis of your mat, and your neck and head turn towards your front hand, so the pose is also a mild twist. Because you step the feet apart and one foot turns out and other turns in, it is one of the first balancing poses you are likely to meet if you are new to yoga. And if you step carefully in and out of the pose, or move from the starting position in and out with our breath (see Warrior 1 and 2 Mini Vinyasas), this pose also cultivates agility.

I prescribe this pose for:
  • General strengthening 
  • General stretching 
  • Osteoporosis. The pose is weight bearing for the lower body, so strengths lower body bones. It also provides isometric work of the shoulders and upper back so it can improve the thoracic spine bone health.
  • Improving balance and agility
  • Improving mental focus (when held for longer periods of time)
  • Improved overall muscular endurance (when held for longer periods of time)
  • Anxiety (the pose burns off excess energy and is “grounding”) 
  • Fatigue, sluggishness, or depression (standing poses can stimulate your nervous system) 
Cautions: For those with uncontrolled blood pressure or a history of heart disease, I recommend that you don’t hold the pose for more than a few breaths, as it can cause an increase in blood pressure and the workload of the heart. For those with balance issues, I recommend that you work with your back to a wall or start with the chair version shown below. If you have knee problems, don’t bend your front knee quite as deeply. Make sure it stops just shy of being over the front ankle.

Classic Version

Step your feet wide apart (about the length of your legs). Turn your right foot and leg out 90 degrees. Then turn your left foot in slightly, so the lateral edge of your back foot lines up with the short edge of your yoga mat, or even in a bit more than that. 
Inhale and extend your arms out to your sides, parallel with your shoulders. Then, exhale and bend your right knee toward 90 degrees (but not further), making sure your right knee is aligned with your middle right toe and positioned over the right ankle. 

Allow your hips to rotate around the vertical axis of your spine a bit towards your front foot. At the same time, rotate your chest towards the long axis of your mat. If it’s comfortable for you, turn your head to gaze over your right hand.
You can hold the pose for a few breaths initially, and gradually add more time in the pose as you feel ready, eventually up two minutes.

To come out, straighten your front leg, turn your feet parallel and relax your arms to your sides. Repeat on the second side.

First Variation: Feet Closer Together, Hands on Hips

Working with your feet slightly closer together and keeping your hands on your hips is a good variations for people newer to yoga, those with tight inner thigh muscles and connective tissue, and those with shoulder issues such as rotator cuff injury that make taking your arms to sides challenging or painful. It is also less challenging for balance then the first variation, so is a good place to start for those with balance challenges.

Instead of stepping the feet as wide as classic Warrior 2, step your feet only about three feet apart. Then adjust your front and back foot as in classic Warrior 2, but keep the hands on the hips, with the shoulder blades relaxed on the back chest.

From here, the rotations of the spine are as with the full version.

Second Variation: Warrior 2 with Chair

This variation of Warrior 2 is particularly helpful for those with balance issues, with other health issues that compromise endurance, or with injuries that could affect safely standing without pain, such as knee, hip and ankle injuries or arthritis. But it is also beneficial for people who have no restrictions, and you might find that it actually creates more sense of stretch to the muscles and connective tissue of the inner thighs.

Sit on the front edge of a chair. If you are taller or have long legs, you may need to use a blanket or lift under your front leg, so your thighs are not lower than your knees.

Swivel to your right, bringing your right sitting bone and the back of your right thigh along the front edge of the chair seat. Your left sitting bone may actually be slightly off the chair seat.

Bend your right knee so that the right knee is right above the ankle with the right foot turned out 90 degrees.

Slide your left leg back away from the right until you can fully straighten your left knee with the sole of your left foot on the floor. Note that your left leg will likely not stretch straight back as in the full pose, but will probably need to come towards the right long edge of the mat a few inches. From here, your arms and spinal movements are the same as the classic pose. 
Stay for several breaths, and gradually work up to 90-120 seconds with practice.

To come out of the pose, lower your arms, bend your back knee and swing both legs forward so you sit evenly on the front edge of the chair. Then repeat on the second side.

Third Variation: Reverse Warrior 2 (aka Exalted Warrior)

This variation challenges the stability of your legs and also adds some stretch and lengthening for your chest and arms on the front leg side. It will also add more challenge to your balance.

Come into classic Warrior 2 as described above.

Maintaining the alignment of your front knee, inhale and bring your right arm up towards the ceiling as you reach your left hand down toward the outer left thigh.

Keeping your right knee firm and steady, slowly slide your left hand further down your left leg as you side bend your torso over your left leg and continue to reach your right arm up and back. Stop when your body signals significant tightness. 
Lynda Bailo
Lynda Barrow
Your gaze can remain straight ahead, or for more challenge to your balance, you can carefully gaze up towards your top hand. Stay for just few breaths at first, working towards longer holds over time. 

To come out, start by tipping back into classic Warrior 2, then exit as described above. Then repeat on the second side.

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

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Benefits Of Different Specialization In Physical Therapy Swampscott MA

By Georgia Diaz

Most of the health facilities are equipped with a physiotherapy department to help patients especially those who have gone through surgery or have had joint and bone treatment to recover. A professional applies natural methods in helping his or her patients regain the proper functions of the affected parts of their body. Physical therapy Swampscott MA area has been very beneficial through the services offered even privately from home.

This area of study provides various fields that people can specialize in so they are able to have a more specific way to help the patient. The different parts and functioning of the human body provides the different fields of specialization. The ultimate result has been to help the patient to be able to move independently.

There are conditions of the heart, which require surgery to correct them. A patient who has gone through this procedure requires cardiac therapy to enable them get strength for movement. Physiotherapist, who has specialized in this field, should come up with a program of helping his patient get to their feet and lead a normal life.

There is also another class that involves people with problems associated with neurology. This can be patients who have had accidents and injured their spinal cord or even the brain making it impossible for them to move and at the same time can be patients suffering from diseases like Alzheimer or cerebral palsy which as well involve the neurological malfunctioning. It is on the part of the therapist to create a program that helps his or her patients to slowly regain movement.

There are children who are born with conditions, which can be either hereditary or acquired at birth or after. These can make them, when they are grown, have a low self-esteem since they look or behave differently from their age mates. This is why a pediatric physiotherapist is important to help them while they are young in understanding their condition and having a program to increase their level of movement, hence be able to functioning better.

Being old has its own set of challenges especially when it comes to movement. When trying to keep up with grandchildren, playing can be a big task for someone with arthritis or osteoporosis. This is because these diseases tend to make it difficult for anyone suffering from them to move effectively. This is where a specialist in this field is the best person to seek help from in determining the best physical exercise that can be done to make the patient move well.

The orthopedic department is a very common field in physiotherapy and helps patients with muscle problems. These are either caused by accidents or injuries and the most people who get muscle injuries are athletes or anyone who is involved in sports. An orthopedist helps his or her patient to point out where the injury has affected and take them through a process of regaining strength.

It is fulfilling to see a patient walking well after having gone through the program of therapy. This is why anyone considering being physiotherapist should have some passion for it before taking the course. Specializing in one field makes one more productive and physical therapy Swampscott MA area has just the right institutions to help in that.

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