Saturday, May 27, 2017

Understanding John Of God Healing

By Marissa Velazquez

John of God healing technique was developed by a Brazilian pastor under the name crystal bed healing. It was conducted in his clinic where he used a number of crystals to produce a combination of colors. It is a kind of therapy that has a spiritual dimension. The bed used is common among therapists and has been used on several occasions.

Patients are made to lie of a simple therapy bed where their faces are covered using a white cloth. Seven cylinders dangle above them. Each of these cylinders is installed with a particular crystal. The crystal is accompanied by light and a color filter. The filter is used to direct the light through the crystal. The process ensures that the chakra or energy stream is directed on a specific body part.

Combining a filter and a crystal is a professional engagement that produces specific results. They are matched to ensure that their energy properties and qualities are synchronized. The beam that results from a perfect match will ensure that the chakra is activated and the patient begins to heal. The process is ignited by reopening blocked energy channels or activating those that are dead.

John is regarded as a healer and a spiritual leader. He says that the power to heal was acquired when he allowed universal positivity and divine love to get into his system. These two allowed universal powers to use him as a passage as they heal other people. All these powers are attributed to God. He is only a vessel or instrument through which people obtain good health.

The power to heal is tapped from the spirits of renowned healers, ancient doctors and angels. They are benevolent enough to use him to heal other people. He has kept contact with these entities to ensure that his followers still enjoy these services. Miracles that happen when his followers get healed are as a result of the benevolence of these entities. They have used him as a vessel to diagnose, advice, talk and discourse with patients.

Divine healing comes in more ways than the crystal bed. Many healers in the past have also used this therapy. It also was used before the invention of modern medicine. Other associations given to crystals include luck and wisdom. Crystals contain unique properties that include light refraction and a specific frequency of oscillation. These are the properties used to heal the patients.

Patients who have undergone crystal therapy feel relaxed and energized. The process is preferred because it is non invasive and natural. This means comfort to patients in the knowledge that their skins will not end up with scars. There is no indecent exposure or uncomfortable operations involved. The light beam stimulates chakra in different parts which opens up paths for energy flow.

John of God healing remains a reliable way to restore health to the body and mind. Patients are advised not to abandon appointments with doctors. Scientists are trying to evaluate the extent of the benefits provided by this method to human health. This includes the diseases it can cure that those that it cannot.

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