Friday, February 24, 2017

Save Time With Mobile Drug Testing Texas Technicians

By Katrina Wheeler

Businesses use drugs tests procedures to help protect their assets and reduce liability in workplace. Employees who indulge in substance abuse are likely to cause accidents in workplace more than those who do not use drugs. To effectively test your employees, you can seek the help of mobile drug testing Texas technicians who visit your premises and perform the tests on-site. Hiring candidates who take alcohol or use recreational drugs when in course of their duties can cause damages in an organization.

In addition, businesses enhance performance and productivity when they test their employees. It is cost effective for the lab technicians to visit premises than sending employees to the laboratory facilities. When employees are notified of random tests, they are aware that anytime they may be subjected to screening. This enables them take precaution measure by refraining from using drugs.

Businesses spend a lot of time and money to hire new employees. When they hire candidates who are drug users and start indulging in substance abuse while at workplace, this could cause a lot of damage to the business. Workers involved in drugs abuse are more likely to cause accidents in workplace.

Employees who use drugs may underperform in their duties thus reducing the productivity level. Businesses perform random tests to their employees to help maintain honesty in operational standards. The mobile testing is taken to the businesses and workers do not need to travel miles away from the premises to seek for the tests. This process eliminates many loopholes attached to off-site tests.

Such tests help in promoting and reinforcing the required standards of operations in workplace. The tests are performed inside the premises and workers do not need to travel to the laboratory facilities. Employers who send their worker to undertake drugs tests in laboratory facilities risk getting unreliable and inaccurate results.

There are products, which can be purchased in stores to pass the drugs tests. These products help in flushing out the drugs from the body and they can assist in giving false results. Employees who give false results may continue to work thus putting the company at more risks. If your business records many accidents, OSHA officials are likely to target it for inspection.

The technicians visit the premises and do the tests on-site thus averting the need to send workers to laboratory facilities located far away from the business. This saves money since the employer does not meet the cost of travel for the workers to visit the lab facilities. It also saves time because workers do not require a lot of time. Typically, the tests take about 15 minutes for the results to be out but when this is done away from business premises, it needs about 2 to 3 hours.

Employees who present false test results may continue retaining their jobs thus risking other workers and the business. With the on-site tests, they save the business money because it does not have to pay for commuting cost to the lab facilities. For fast reliable and cost effective test results, you can consult mobile drug testing Texas technicians to visit your premises.

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