Monday, January 16, 2017

Happy Guru Pournima to all my beloved teachers! You are my Inspiration!

Happy Guru-Pournima to all my beloved teachers!
Guru-Pournima is the full moon day observed today to honor the teachers in your life those have enhanced your knowledge, groomed your attitude, and made you what you are!

Called up my beloved teacher Dr Sethia today morning and wished him, as I cannot personally go n meet him due to long distance travel. It's such a bliss to hear the words of wisdom from the person whom you admire so much. He is the homeopath who bred the seeds of ultimate knowledge of homeopathy in me and many other students of homeopathy.

I owe, however, many more things to Dr Sethia sir, who directly and indirectly bred the seeds of spiritual learning in me now almost 10 to 12 years back. He showed us how to live and lead a respectful life that brings grace to your family, friends, and humanity as a whole. He used to tell us so many stories while teaching us homeopathy, with his witty charm and in-depth knowledge.

Gurus or teachers have been given apt priority in any culture. In Indian culture, Guru is worshiped next to mother and father. Let's pay our respect to the builders of society- "Let's be grateful towards those helped you meet with yourself"!

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