Sunday, December 11, 2016

Jill Satterfield Joins Yoga for Healthy Aging!

by Nina
Jill Satterfield by Jamey Lord
I’m excited to announce that I’ve invited Jill Satterfield to join our staff and she has accepted. That means you’ll be hearing from her regularly from now on, probably once a month. And from now on, she’ll write under the name “Jill” and be listed on our About Us page. She already has a page Jill's Workshops and Classes with her classes and workshop information on it as well as Guided Meditations by Jill with some of her guided meditations.

I invited Jill to join us both because we’re big fans of her writing (my favorites include Spiritual Sanity and When Red Flags Should Be Raised) and because she has some expertise in areas that we don’t due to her knowledge of Buddhism well as yoga. Besides being a very experienced, long-time teacher of mindfulness and embodiment practices, she also has a lot of knowledge about helping people with chronic illness and pain, something she has had personal experience with this. And she is currently training to be a hospital chaplain (which I hope she’ll write about sometime). 

The funny thing is that I got to know Jill because of Facebook! After she moved to Berkeley, she posted a photo of a quirky shop near my house. I commented on her post that I lived nearby, which lead to personal messages and then a get-together for tea. Kind of like a blind date only for friendship! We’ve been friends and colleagues ever since, always talking about “work” issues as well as personal ones. I especially appreciate the intellectual discussions we have about differences and similarities between yoga and Buddhism, which has led me to new insights. And some of her posts came out of discussions we had when we got together as friends because I said, "You need to write about that!"

To find out about Jill, see her website: Here are all the posts that Jill has done for us so far:  

Practicing Titration in Difficult Times  

Mindfulness of Sensation 

Checking In: A Guided Meditation  

The Kindness Practice 

Attached to My Face 

Spiritual Sanity  

When Red Flags Should Be Raised 

No Control: Watching Your Breath in Asana

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