Monday, October 31, 2016

Must Haves For Traveling Other Than A Portable Oxygen Tank

By Estelle Larsen

There are many people who are suffering from conditions that affects their intake of air. The fortunate thing is that there are oxygen tanks that can supply air on their lungs for them to survive. These days, more and more people are having the freedom to roam around and do other things unlike before that they are only confined to one place because of the oxygen tanks.

But now, through some major innovations moving around is now possible. By using a portable oxygen tank, those who are dependent to the tank can go to other places. This can be a hassle at first, especially if the person is not used to carrying something around at all times. But since it is essential for breathing, it will become a part of your body somehow.

When choosing a device to supply air, you first need to determine whether you need the continuous flow or the pulse flow. Continuous flow of oxygen means that the device will continue to supply the lungs with oxygen regardless if you are inhaling or not. The pulse flow on the other hand, will only supply air when it is triggered by inhalation.

Tanks that have the pulse flow mechanism are installed with a conserver. Conservers have the capacity to regulate the oxygen that is given to the body so that no air would be wasted. But there are times when those who are using the pulse flow device also needs to use the continuous flow especially when sleeping. The breathing when you are asleep is shallow and it might not be enough to trigger the pulse flow in the oxygen tank.

It is true that people who have a tank attached to them cannot do what others can. There are certain limitations to the activities that they are allowed to perform. But if you are wondering on whether or not they are allowed to travel, the answer would depend on their condition. There are cases that are too risky to travel. But there are others who are allowed. To be sure, you need to ask the attending doctor.

Asking permission from your attending physician prior to traveling is essential so that you can have the necessary papers which you will need. They can also give you pointers on what to do in case of an emergency and what are the things to prepare. You will be bringing several documents regarding your medical condition as well.

You need to secure a document for your portable tank. You can ask for a statement of purchase from where you brought it. To save you the hassle, you can use the receipt that you have.

You will be bringing a handful of documents with you so be sure to have a room in the luggage where you can put it in an organized manner. Always have important phone numbers at the ready. The contact information of your physician should always be in speed dial. You should also bring more than one identification card.

Other things that would surely consume space other than your papers and your clothes are your medications. Be sure to have extra for each one. You never know if you will be delayed or not. Prior to traveling, ask for a written statement from your doctor so that you will be allowed to use your oxygen tank inside the plane.

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