Friday, August 26, 2016

New Photo Galleries

by Nina
Bhavani Cooper, Age 56
Our first photo contest (see Photo Contest and Friday Q&A: Why Only Women in Your Photo Contest?) has turned out to be a huge success. I have to say, I’m just thrilled. It’s taking me some time to go through all the photos submitted so far, but there are going to be a large number of prize-winning photos for sure!

So I’ve decided to create some new pages on the blog that are photo galleries of the prize-winning photos, one for women and one for men (that second photo contest is coming soon).

See Photo Gallery: Women Over 50 and Photo Gallery: Men Over 50.

The only reason I’m creating two separate pages for the genders is that I’m concerned that having too many photographs on a single page might cause technical problems on the blog. Later on, I may divide them up in some other way. Actually if you have suggestions for a better way of splitting them up, let me know.
Richard Rosen, Age 67, photographed by Melina Meza
So far, I’ve only put up a few photos on these pages, but you can keep checking back. Basically, if your photo or photos “win,” you’ll eventually be in the gallery. If not, you’ll receive an email or Facebook reply from me explaining why I’ve rejected your photo. 

Reasons for rejection typically include:
  • Photo is out of focus, partly out of focus, or too small (low resolution)
  • Background is cluttered or unattractive
  • The lighting is poor
  • There is a very tiny image of you in a big landscape (that won't work on the blog)
  • Body parts are cropped off (feet not showing, fingertips not in the frame, etc.)
  • Face is shaded and dark, while background is bright (wearing hats definitely causes this problem as does strong back lighting) or your face doesn’t show at all (exceptions will be made for certain poses)
  • Alignment of the pose looks unhealthy in my opinion, for example, the head and neck are not in line with the spine
Although I don’t by any means require professional photos, typically a quick snapshot done with your phone, unless it is really special, is not going to make the grade. So if you want your images to be seriously considered, take some time in creating them. Arrange the setting and move that plastic water bottle somewhere else. Have someone look at your alignment and give you some cues. Take multiple shots to get one good one. Take off your hat and sunglasses. Smile. Like these:
Judith Sims-Barlow, Age 72
Nancy LaNasa, Age 60
And if I reject your photo, you can always try again with a different photo. There are no deadlines for these contests.

But if you are interested in having your photo taken by our staff photographer, yoga teacher Melina Meza, she is available for hire. You can see her photographs of yoga practitioners on Flickr. To contact her, to the Contact page on her web site for her email information.

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