Monday, July 11, 2016

Upper eyelid surgery

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The decision to get the upper eyelid surgery is a great choice if you have unsightly bags or areas of flaccidity of the skin around the eyes. When you go for your first consultation, the surgeon sitting down with you and go through all the different possible procedures to adapt to the results that you expect to receive. There are two different options for you at this time, including upper blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery), blepharoplasty (lower eyelid surgery) and complete blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery in all four of the eyelids). The procedure is usually the same for each type of surgery of the eyelids, with the only difference is that a complete blepharoplasty will take longer to complete than any of the other two types.

As a general rule, the upper eyelid surgery will not take more than 90 minutes and can even take as little as 30 minutes to complete. This form of surgery, while invasive, requires minimal incisions and comes with a healing and recovery time dramatically accelerated in comparison with other forms of surface cosmetic surgery. Here are some guidelines and tips that will help you to protect your vision and take advantage of the transformation procedure.

The initial step in the reception of a surgery like this is to first choose a surgeon to do it. There is nothing wrong with going through several clinics consult with some different options. The surgeon that you choose must be updated and certified with the American Board of Facial Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Who receives this certification should have thorough training in facial reconstructive surgery and neck and as such should have a full understanding of facial Anatomy, that goes without saying that it is something that is useful if you are going to be a facial surgeon.

There is nothing wrong with asking your surgeon about your past experience and training. He is the person who should be selling in the decision, not vice versa. Ask about your past clients and problems that normally arise with their procedures. If you feel are not being completely honest with you is probably best to go to another place. A good surgeon must have nothing to hide, even if you have a history of frustrated procedures. Upper eyelid cosmetic surgery is not devoid of risks; all surgeons know this.

To meet first with the surgeon who choose to perform the surgery, probably will give it a complete packet of information about the procedure for at least two weeks before the scheduled operation date. The package will have information about the surgery, what to expect during the same and how to prepare and recover. It is most likely going to be a list of things that should be avoided for a few days before the operation. Usually you will have basic elements that act as diluents of the blood, such as aspirin and ibuprofen. It can also stop you smoking for a few days before and after the surgery.

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Upper eyelid surgery to protect your eyesight

Top home-eyelid surgery

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